The University has a well-developed proctorial system. A Proctorial Team consisting of one Proctor and eight Assistant Proctors is responsible for the discipline and conduct of the students within the University Campus outside the Residential Halls. The team also performs other duties required by the Vice-Chancellor regarding the discipline of the students. Dr. Md. Maksudur Rahman is the present Proctor of the University.
1. The Proctor shall be an officer of the University directly responsible to the Vice-chancellor and his rank would be that of a Provost of Hall. He would be assisted by Assistant Proctors who would be responsible to the Proctor and the rank of an Assistant Proctor would be that of a House Tutor of a Hall.
2. The following shall be the main duties of the Proctor:-
(i) He shall be responsible for the discipline and conduct of students within the University campus outside the Halls.
(ii) He shall perform such other duties regarding discipline of students as may be required by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.
3. (i) The Proctor or one Assistant Proctor shall ordinarily remain in each of the University Buildings during University hours for maintaining order and discipline in the University. For this purpose, ordinarily one Assistant Proctor must be chosen from each of the Faculties of Arts. Science and Law after consultation with the relevant Deans so that the normal place of work of at least one Assistant Proctor happens to be each of the main buildings of the University.
(ii) The Proctor, if he finds necessary may recommend to the Vice-Chancellor the appointment of a Prefect or Prefects from amongst the senior students to help him for maintaining discipline and order in the University.
4. (I) The Proctor shall take such steps as he thinks necessary for the purpose of ensuring disciplined behavior and good conduct on the part of every student at all hours within the University Campus outside the Halls
. (ii) The students of University will be provided by their respective Halls, with identity cards, which they must produce on demand by the Proctor or the Assistant Proctors.
5. (i) The Vice-Chancellor may delegate such of his disciplinary powers as he may think fit to the Proctor. The Vice-Chancellor shall issue standing orders as regards Lire extent of the power which he delegates to the Proctor.
(ii) The Proctor shall have the power to impose on a student a fine up to Tk. 25,00 (Twenty five) at a time for a breach of discipline or misconduct in the University outside the Halls. If he is of opinion that a fine of Tk. 25.00 is not sufficient he shall have power to expel a student from the university for a period not exceeding six months to be counted from the date of order. If however, he is of opinion that the case requires expulsion for more than 6 months he shall refer the case to the Vice-Chancellor for such actions as he may deem fit. Any fine imposed by the Proctor on a student shall be reported Lo the Provost of the Hall to which the student belongs.
(Hi) The Assistant Proctors shall have powers to impose on a student a fine not exceeding Tk. 5.00 (Taka five) at a time, for breach of discipline or misconduct and report their action to the Proctor and to the Provosts concerned who will report such cases to the Vice-Chancellor.
(iv) No clubs or societies or students organization other than recognized Unions or Associations shall be allowed to be formed. No parties or entertainments shall be held within the premises of the University nor shall a student play a musical instrument or use a loudspeaker in the University premises during University hours without the previous permission of the Proctor. A breach of this rule will be treated as a breach of discipline.
(v) The Proctor may take suitable action against any student who willfully damages, disfigures or destroys University properties, or gardens, or does not observe the rules for facilitating movement within the University and for keeping the University neat and clean and for proper parking of cycles and vehicles. (vi) Each teacher and officer of the University shall have proctorial powers and he can when necessary take suitable action for maintaining discipline in the University. Every such action shall be reported to the Proctor,
(vii) In an emergency, the Proctor or any of the Assistant Proctors can seek the help of any employee of the University in the discharge of his duties in the University or outside, at all hours and it shall be the duty of the employee or employees concerned to give him every reasonable assistance.
6. No student of the University individually or collectively shall declare a -' strike" of the University students nor shall a student prevent another student of the University from attending the University classes, Laboratories and Library.
A student found guilty of a violation of the provisions of this Section will be liable to punishment up to expulsion from this University.
Students absenting themselves from their classes on the days of the strike will be liable for to forfeiture of their scholarships and stipends.
7. No meetings of the students of the University other than the meetings organized by the University or by different
Departments of the University or by the student's Unions recognized by the University shall be held in any part of the University without the previous permission of the Proctor. No demonstration shall be organized within any part of the University.
A student found guilty of a violation of the provisions of this Section will be liable to punishment up to expulsion from the University.
List of Assistant Proctors:
১. মোঃ মাহবুব কায়সার (সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান অনুষদ ) -
২. ডঃ মোঃ রফীকুল ইসলাম (কলা অনুষদ )
৩. এ, কে, এম নূর আলম সিদ্দিকী (বিজ্ঞান অনুষদ)
৪. মো. দেলোয়ার হোসেন (শিক্ষা ও গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট)
৫.মো. জাহাঙ্গীর আলম (বিজনেস স্টাডিজ অনুষদ)
৬. শেহ্রীন আমিন ভূইয়া(সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান অনুষদ )