Book (40) |
1 |
Shaila Sultana, Mian Md Naushaad Kabir, Md Zulfeqar Haider, Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and M Obaidul Hamid Language in society in Bangladesh and beyond: Voices of the unheard in the Global South.
New York: Taylor & Francis, 2023 .
2 |
Abul Momen, M. Shahidul Islam, Sharmind Neelormi, Dr. Aksadul Alam, Dr. Debasish Kumar Kundu, Dr. Sumera Ahsan, Muhammad Rakibul Hasan Khan, Rayhan Ara Zaman, Jarin Akther, Dr. Mir Abu Saleh Shamsuddin, Siddique Belal, Uma Bhattacharjee, Muhommod Nijam and Sanjida Ara History and Social Science: Activity Book for grade six..
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, 2022 .
3 |
Abul Momen, Professor Dr. Aksadul Alam, Professor Dr. S.C. Majumder, Dr. Debasish Kumar Kundu, Dr. Sumera Ahsan, Muhammad Rakibul Hasan Khan, Jarin Akther, Dr. Mir Abu Saleh Shamsuddin, Md. Habibullah, Siddipue Belal, Uma Bhattacharjee, Muhommod Nijam, Banhi Bepari and Sanjida Ara History and Social Science: Activity Book for grade seven..
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, 2022 .
4 |
Dr. Md. Ahsan Habib, Dr. Asim Das, Dr. Abu Rashed Mohammad Momtajuddin, Khan Habibur Rahman and Md. Ahmedur Rahman Talukder Exploring Teaching Learning Challenges at Secondary level Education in Bangladesh during COVID-19.
Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS), 2021 .
5 |
Md Shahrier Haider and Jannatul Ferdous বিশেষ চাহিদাসম্পন্ন শিশুর ব্যবস্থাপনা (Supporting Children with Special Needs).
Dhaka: Bissho Sahitto Bhaban, 2021 .
6 |
Sultana, S., Roshid, M.M., Kabir, M. M. N., Haider, Z.M., & Khan, M. H (Eds.) Routledge international handbook of English language education in Bangladesh.
London: Routledge, 2021 .
7 |
Siddique, M.N.A (Editor) Professional Studies (Part IV) Resource Book: Information and Communication Technology [in Bengali].
Mymensingh: National Academy for Primary Education, 2020 .
8 |
Siddique, M.N.A (Editor) Professional Studies (Part II) Resource Book [in Bengali].
Dhaka: National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE), 2020 .
9 |
Siddique, M.N.A (Editor and co-Author) Primary Science: Subject Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge [in Bengali].
Mymensingh: National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE), 2020 .
10 |
Siddique, M.N.A (co-author) ICT in Education.
Dhaka: Open University, 2019 .
11 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman and Ridwanul Mosrur শিক্ষা-গবেষণার সহজপাঠ (Sikkha-Gobesonar Sahojpath).
Dhaka: Adarsha, 2019 .
12 |
Chowdhury, R., Sarkar, M., Mojumder, R., & Roshid, M. (Eds.) Engaging in educational research: Revisiting policy and practice in Bangladesh.
Singapore: Springer, 2018 .
13 |
Siddique, M.N.A (Principal Author and Editor) Teaching Chemistry.
Dhaka: Ministry of Education, 2018 .
14 |
M. Nazmul Haq, Saira Hossain and Ahsan Habib Shikhay Monbiggyan [Psychology of Education].
Dhaka: Bishwasahittyo Bhaban, 2018 .
15 |
Chowdhury,S.A. and Nigar,N Impact of wide publicity in mass-media in creating awareness and motivating the poor parents against child labour.
Dhaka: National Institute of Mass Communication, 2018 .
16 |
Jurana Aziz • An Introduction to Applied Linguistics and ELT.
Dhaka: Boipotro, 2017 .
17 |
NCTB Teachers Curriculum Gouide (UGC Awarded).
Dhaka: NCTB, 2016 .
18 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Shahrier Haider and Sumera Ahsan Karma O Jibonmukhi Shiksha: National Text book for grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (in bengali.
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, 2015 .
19 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Shahrier Haider and Sumera Ahsan Career Shiksha: National Text book for grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (in bengali).
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, 2015 .
20 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Shahrier Haider and Sumera Ahsan Work and Life Oriented Education (Textbook for class VIII).
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2014 .
21 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Shahrier Haider and Sumera Ahsan Career Education (Textbook for class IX-X).
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2014 .
22 |
M. Nazmul Haq and Saira Hossain Shikkhai Gyaniyo Motobad. [Cognitive Theories in Education].
Dhaka: Bishwasahittyo Bhaban, 2014 .
23 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Shahrier Haider and Sumera Ahsan Work and Life Oriented Education (Textbook for class VII).
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2013 .
24 |
Siddique, M.N.A (Co-Author) Primary Science: Subject Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge [in Bengali].
Mymensingh: National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE), 2013 .
25 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas Nutrition and Learning Outcomes of Bangladeshi Primary School Children.
Scholars Press, Germany, 2013 .
26 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Shahrier Haider and Sumera Ahsan Work and Life Oriented Education (Textbook for for class VI).
Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2012 .
27 |
Diba Hossein and Md Shahrier Haider দৃষ্টি প্রতিবন্ধিতা ও শিক্ষা (Visual Impairment and Education).
Dhaka: Child Sight Foundation, 2009 .
28 |
Child Sight Foundation Dristi Protibondhita O Skkha.
Dhaka: 2009 .
29 |
Mohammad Mahboob Morshed and Sumera Ahsan Many things to know: General knowledge.
Dhaka: Shonamoni Publishers, 2008 .
30 |
Md. Ahsan Habib, Islam M.A and Sumera ahsan Learning, Value Judgment and Reflective Practice (in Bengali)..
Dhaka: Mita Traders, 2007 .
31 |
Yasmin, R.N. and Sumera Ahsan Textbook on injury prevention: Grade four (in Bengali)..
Dhaka: CIPRB, TASC & UNICEF, 2007 .
32 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman and Aszadul Kibria Education Rights Reference Handbook.
Dhaka: ActionAid Bangladesh, 2005 .
33 |
Begum, M., Roshid, M. M., & Banu, M. S. Developing English language skills.
Dhaka: Media Wave, 2005 .
34 |
Diba Hossein, Md Shahrier Haider and Rayhan Ara Zaman প্রতিবন্ধিতা শব্দকোষ (A Glossary of Disability related terms).
Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2021 .
35 |
মেহেরুননেছা, গোলাম কিবরিয়া, হ্যাপি দাস and এ বি এম আহসান রকীব পেশাগত শিক্ষাঃ তথ্যপুস্তক (খণ্ড ১).
ময়মনসিংহ: জাতীয় প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা একাডেমী, ২০১৩ .
36 |
মেহেরুননেছা, গোলাম কিবরিয়া, হ্যাপি দাস and এ বি এম আহসান রকীব পেশাগত শিক্ষাঃ প্রথম খণ্ড (পি টি আই ইনস্ট্রাক্টর নির্দেশিকা).
ময়মনসিংহ: জাতীয় প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা একাডেমী, ২০১৩ .
37 |
Bangladesh Open University Child & Educational Psychology EDC 1301 School Of Education.
Dhaka: Bangladesh Open University, December 1997 .
38 |
Hossain, D, Haider, MS. and Zaman, RA. প্রতিবন্ধিতা শব্দকোষ (Glossary of Disability terms).
Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2021 .
39 |
Chowdhury, S.A. (Co-Author) Professional Studies (Part IV) Resource Book: Information and Communication Technology [in Bengali].
Mymensingh: National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE), 2020 .
40 |
Chowdhury, S.A. A Practical Handbook on SPSS.
Dhaka: Anarjo Publications, 2019 .
Book Section (45) |
1 |
Chowdhury, S. A., Dey, M. and Cross, B. "Rethinking Education in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Perspective of Less Developed Countries."
Future-oriented Learning and Skills Development for Employability. Springer, 2024 .
2 |
Al-Mamun, A. and Sultana, S. "Language skills, employability and sustainable development: A case study of indigenous domestic workers in Bangladesh."
Language and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Policies, Practices and Perceptions. Hamid, O., Sultana, S., & Roshid, M. M. New York and London: Routledge, 2024 .
3 |
Saira Hossain, Iva Strnadová and Joanne Danker "Barriers to Well-being at School: Listening to the Environmental Experience of Young Girls in Bangladesh."
Routledge Handbook of Diverse Childhoods and Their Environmental Experience.. K. Bishop & K. Dimoulias London: Taylor and Francis, 2024 .
4 |
Sultana, S., Roshid, M. M., Haider, M. Z. and Hamid, M. O. "Sociolinguistics research in Bangladesh: Prologue and progress."
Language in Society in Bangladesh and Beyond. Sultana, S., Kabir, M. M. N., Roshid, M. M., Haider, M. Z., & Hamid, M. O. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2023 1-20 .
5 |
Md. Khairul Islam, Arifur Rahman and Shahidul Islam "Exploring the Transformational Head Teachers’ Diversity Practices in Primary Schools of Bangladesh.."
Global Citizenship and Its Impact on Multiculturalism in the Workplace. IGI Global, 2023 153-185 .
6 |
Arifur Rahman, Abdullah Al-mamun, Md. Khairul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam "Exploring Transformational Head Teacher’s Practices of Digitalization in the Primary School."
Contemporary Challenges in Education: Digitalization, Methodology, and Management. IGI Global, 2023 76-106 .
7 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid, Golam Kader Zilany and Noshin Afroz "Medium of Education and Inequality in University Admission Tests: Exploring the Case of a Flagship University in Bangladesh."
English as a Medium of Instruction in South Asia: Issues in Equity and Social Justice. Ram Ashish Giri, Amol Padwad, and Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir Routledge, 2023 .
8 |
Rahman, A., Al-Mamun, A., Islam, M. K. and Islam, M. S. "Exploring transformational head teachers' practices of digitalization in the primary school."
Contemporary Challenges in Education: Digitalization, Methodology and Management. Arinushkina, A. A., Morozov, A. V., & Robert, I. V. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2023 pp.76-106 .
9 |
Roy, G., Dutta, S., Tanni, S., & Rahman, A. "Students Motivation in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of Bangladesh."
Handbook of Research on Redesigning Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Digital Era.. Eleni Meletiadou IGI Global, 2023 .
10 |
Roy, G., Rahman, A., Tanni, S., & Dutta, S "Undergraduate Student’s Motivation to Online Learning in a Low-resource Setting: Challenges and Expectations.."
Creating Motivational Online Environments for Students. Julie A. Bilodeau IGI Global, 2023 .
11 |
M. Mahruf C. Shohel, Arif Mahmud, Munira Azhar Urmee, Muhammad Naveed Anwar, Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Dev Raj Acharya and Md. Ashrafuzzaman "Education in Emergencies, Mental Wellbeing and E-Learning."
E-Learning and Digital Education in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Prospects. London: IntechOpen, 2021 22 .
12 |
Roshid, M. M. "BELF competence for professional communication in ready-made garments industry in Bangladesh."
Routledge International Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh. Sultana, S., Roshid, M.M., Kabir, M. M. N., Haider, Z.M., & Khan, M. H. (Eds) London: Routledge, 2021 382-396 .
13 |
Chowdhury, K., & Roshid, M. M. "Identity Construction and Professional Performance of Government College Teachers in Bangladesh."
Routledge International Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh,. Sultana, S., Roshid, M.M., Kabir, M. M. N., Haider, Z.M., & Khan, M. H. (Eds), London: Routledge, 2021 312-326 .
14 |
Sultana, S. & Roshid, M.M. "Introduction: English language and English language education in the multilingual ecology of Bangladesh: Past, present and future."
Routledge International Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh,. Sultana, S., Roshid, M.M., Kabir, M. M. N., Haider, Z.M., & Khan, M. H. (Eds) London: Routledge, 2021 1-14 .
15 |
Roshid, M. M. "English, empowerment and development: A study of an international business."
Engaging in educational research: Revisiting policy and practice in Bangladesh. Chowdhury, R. Sarkar, M., Mojumder, F. & Roshid, M.M. (Eds.) Singapore: Springer, 2018 315-331 .
16 |
Mozumder, A. F & Roshid, M. M. "Lessons learned: From emerging realities to implications for the future of education in Bangladesh."
Engaging in educational research: Revisiting policy and practice in Bangladesh. Chowdhury, R. Sarkar, M., Mojumder, F. & Roshid, M.M. (Eds.) Singapore: Springer, 2018 335-351 .
17 |
Roshid, M. M., Haider, M.Z., Begum, H.A. "Bangladeshi EFL teachers’ views on the English for Today textbook: What do they have to offer inside the classroom?."
Creative concerns in ELT materials development: Looking beyond current practices. Bao, D. (Ed.) Bristol, UK.: Multilingua Matters, 2018 212-234 .
18 |
Md Abdul Halim, Ms Sharmin Kabir, Md Mazharul Haque Khan, Md Selim & and Md Sha alam "• Mathematics Resource book( Subject Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge) for DPEd teacher and learner, Published by NAPE, DPE, Ministry of Education."
Mathematics Resource books ( Subject Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge). MOPME Dhaka: MOPME, 2018-2019 350 .
19 |
Ahsan Habib and Saira Hossain "Students’ Sense of belonging in Urban Junior Secondary Schools in Bangladesh: Grades, Academic Achievements and School Satisfaction.."
Engaging in Educational Research Revisiting Policy and Practice in Bangladesh. Editors: Chowdhury, R., Sarkar, M., Mojumder, F., Roshid, M.M. (Eds.) Singapore: Springer, 2018 .
20 |
Md. Ahsan Habib and Saira Hossain "Students’ Sense of Belonging in Urban Junior Secondary Schools in Bangladesh: Grades, Academic Achievement and School Satisfaction."
Engaging in Educational Research. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects,. Chowdhury R., Sarkar M., Mojumder F., Roshid M. Singapore: Springer, 2018 .
21 |
Sumera Ahsan and William C. Smith "Facilitating student learning: a comparison of classroom and accountability assessment."
The global testing culture: shaping education policy, perceptions and practice. William C. Smith (Editor) Oxford: Symposium Books, 2016 131-152 .
22 |
Md Abdul Halim, Amoa krisna Mondal and and others "Secondary Mathematics & Higher Secondary Mathematics."
Mathematics 1st and 2nd paper. NCTB Dhaka: NCTB, 2016 300 .
23 |
Md Abdul Halim, Md Ramiz Uddin Ahamed and & others "Teaching Mathematics for Teachers of Teachers training College of Bangladesh."
Teaching Mathematics. TQI-SEP, Ministry of Education Dhaka: TQI-SEP, Ministry of Education, 2016 315 .
24 |
Roshid, M. M., Siddique, M.N. A., Sarkar, M., Mojumder, F.A., & Begum, H.A. "Doing Educational Research in Asia: Contextualizing Western Methodology in Bangladesh."
Asia as Method in Education Studies: A Defiant Research Imagination. Kenway J., Zhang, H. & Chan, P.W.K. (Eds.) New York: Routledge, 2015 129-143 .
25 |
Siddique, M.N.A (Co-author) "Doing educational research in Asia: Contextualizing western methodology in Bangladesh."
Asia as Method in Education Studies: A defiant research imagination. P. W. K. Chan and J. Kenway 2015 .
26 |
Roshid, M. M. "Pragmatic strategies of ELF speakers: A case study in international business communication."
Enacting English across borders: Critical studies in the Asia Pacific. Chowdhury, R. & Marlina, R.(Eds) Newcastle upon Tyne UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014 45-71 .
27 |
Roshid, M.M. "Struggles, challenges and opportunities: Stories of an international PhD student."
Navigating international academia. Brown, J. (Eds.) Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2014 99-110 .
28 |
Malak, M. S., Begum, H.A., Habib, A., Banu, M.S. & Roshid, M. M. "Inclusive education in Bangladesh: Are the guiding principles aligned with successful practices."
Equality in Education: Fairness and Inclusion. Hongzhi Zhang, H, Chan, P.W.K. & Boyle, C. (Eds.) Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2014 107-124 .
29 |
Malak, M. S., Begum, H. A, Habib, A, Banu, M. S and Roshid, M. M. "Inclusive Education in Bangladesh: Are the Guiding Principles Aligned with Successful."
Equity in Education: Fairness and Inclusion. H. Zhang, P. W. K. Chan & C. Boyel Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2014 .
30 |
Roshid, M. M. & Webb, S. "From workplace learning to work-integrated learning for English communication skills: Professional development in the international business sector."
Research and Educational Change in Bangladesh. Greenwood, J., Everatt, J., Kabir, A.H., &Alam, S. (Eds.) Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2013 115-134 .
31 |
Syeda Aticun Nahar "Card, Sweet and Butter Making."
Skill Development in Neo-Literate. Dhaka: Campaign For Popular Education, 2013 .
32 |
Md Abdul Halim, Md Ramiz Uddin Ahamed and and others "Supplementary materials of Math teaching-learning and Training Module, published by SEQAEP, Ministry of Education."
Mathematics Training Module. SEQAEP, Ministry of Education Dhaka: SEQAEP, Ministry of Education, 2012 130 .
33 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman "Internationalism and Education; Democracy and Education; Lifelong Education; Morality and Education; Madrassa Education; Values and Education; Teacher and Teaching Process."
Compendium of Gender and Development. Editor- Selina Hossain Dhaka: Somoy Prokashon, 2009 12 .
34 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman "Concept of Primary Education."
Advocacy Action Guide: Primary Education. Editor- Sirajuddahar Khan Dhaka: INTERACTION, 2005 83 .
35 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman "Education in difficult situation, Educated unemployed, Mental Ability, Creative thinking and another 50 entries."
Compendium of Education. Editor- M. Habibur Rahman Dhaka: Citizens for Education, 2003 50 .
36 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman "Mohammad Abdul Quddus: Paulo Freire of the Bangla."
Mohammad Abdul Quddus Memorial Book. Editor- Mamun Siddiqi Comilla: Quddus-Afia Child Centre, 2002 7 .
37 |
M. Mahruf C. Shohel, Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Iffat Naomee, Sanjida Akter Tanni and Farhan Azim "Game-based teaching and learning in higher education: Challenges and prospects."
Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning. igi global, 2021 .
38 |
M. Mahruf C, Shohel, Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Farhan Azim, Iffat Naomee, Md. Shajedur Rahman and Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddik "Blended learning space for primary and secondary education: Challenges and opportunities in resource-constrained contexts."
Designing effective distant and blended learning environments in K-12. igi global, 2021 .
39 |
Cross, B., Chowdhury, S.A. and Khan, M.R. "Teachers’ Professional Development in Bangladesh: Issues and Way Forward."
Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. Springer, 2022 885–899 .
40 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Arefin, ASMS., Omeiht, I. and Tanni, S.A. "Towards A Pedagogical Paradigm Shift: An Examination of Online Higher Education in Bangladesh During the Covid - 19 Crisis."
New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education - New Perspectives 2021. PALET YAYINLARI, 2021 .
41 |
Md Abdul Halim and Md Zaki Imam "B.Ed Higher Mathematics Curriculum."
Dhaka: Bangladesh Open University, January 2015-February 2015 .
42 |
এ বি এম আহসান রকীব "প্রতিষ্ঠান প্রধানের নেতৃত্ব."
শিক্ষাক্রম বাস্তবায়ন বিষয়ে শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান প্রধানবৃন্দের প্রশিক্ষণ ম্যানুয়াল. সালমা আখতার, মাহবুব আহসান খান, মোহাম্মদ মামুন মিয়া সম্পাদিত ঢাকা: সেকেণ্ডারি এডুকেশন সেক্টর ইনভেস্টমেন্ট প্রোগ্রাম (সেসিপ), ২০১৭ ৭-১৪ .
43 |
Md Abdul Halim & and others "Developed Math and Higher Math training manual with ICT Integration."
Dhaka: TQI_II, Ministry of Education, April 2015 to June 2016 .
44 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Khalid, M.S. and Arefin, ASMS. "Digital Learning Technology Blend in Assessment Activities of Higher Education: A Systematic Review."
Blended Learning in Higher Education. Aalborg University Press, Denmark, 2022 103-112 .
45 |
C Keasberry, LH Phan, MM Roshid, MA Iqbal "Student Experiences During COVID-19: Towards Humanistic Internationalisation."
Globalisation, Education, and Reform in Brunei Darussalam. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 393-413 .
Journal Article (384) |
1 |
Rahman, A, Islam, M. K., Al-Mamun, A. and Islam, M. S. : Teachers' and students' use of ChatGPT at social sciences faculty in the public and private universities of Bangladesh,
F1000Research (in press) , 2025
2 |
Chowdhury, S. A., Islam. MA, Nishat, M. T. A., Nadiv, M. A. and Nadiv, M. A. : Navigating inclusion: understanding social perception, educational opportunity, and challenges for neurodiverse students in Bangladeshi formal education,
Frontiers Education (impact factor:2.3) Frontiers , 2024
3 |
Jahin, A. and Al-Mamun, A. : Perceptions towards ubiquitous learning: A study on ESOL stakeholders of the University of Dhaka,
BAUET Journal , vol.4 , no.2 Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology , pp.265-272 , 2024
4 |
Al-Mamun, A. and Siddiki, N. A. : English language communication for entrepreneurship: A study on young student entrepreneurs at the University of Dhaka,
(submitted) , 2024
5 |
Vabna, B. N. and Al-Mamun, A. : Effects of peer feedback on interpersonal relationships among English language learners,
(submitted) , 2024
6 |
Haque, M. M. and Al-Mamun : Professional development of secondary school English language teachers in the post COVID-19 era,
(submitted) , 2024
7 |
Farahan, Z., Khan, A.S. and Chowdhury, S.A. : ICT in biology education: teachers’ readiness and implementation challenges in the context of Bangladesh,
Discover Education , vol.3 Springer Nature , 2024
8 |
Rahman, M. A., Islam, M. S. and Al-Mamun, A. : Student’s adaptation to online learning in secondary schools in Bangladesh during the emergency remote situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.,
Central Journal of Bangladesh Open University (in press) Bangladesh Open University , 2024
9 |
Al-Mamun, A. & Shaha, R.C. : Linguistic politeness while exercising teacher-power in the English language classrooms in Bangladesh,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.50 , no.1 Institute of Education and Research (IER), University of Dhaka , pp.79-93 , 2024
10 |
Saira Hossain, Iva Strnadová and Joanne Danker : Exploring the external development assets of student well-being at secondary schools in Bangladesh.,
Current Psychology Springer , 2024
11 |
Nadiv, M.A., Nishat, M.T.A., Ormi, N.J. and Chowdhury, S.A. : Hygiene management of adolescent female students with disabilities in the special schools of Bangladesh,
SN Social Sciences , vol.4 Springer , 2024
12 |
Chowdhury, S.A. : Developing a Sustainable Education Protocol for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (adhd) in the Context of Developing Country,
Journal of Science of Learning and Innovations , 2024
13 |
Saira Hossain, Iva Strnadova and Joanne Danker : “Sometimes it feels like we are puppets, here to listen to but not speak”- Listening to the voices of young Bangladeshi students about barriers to well-being at school,
Cambridge Journal of Education (impact factor:2.3) , 2024
14 |
Goutam Roy, Sanjida Akter Tanni, Arifur Rahman and Sushmita Dutta : Test Anxiety Among STEM Students: The Case of Higher Education in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Changes in Education , vol.00(00) 1–10 Bon View Publishing , 2024
15 |
Al-Mamun, A. and Shaha, R.C. : Linguistic politeness while exercising teacher-power in the English language classrooms in Bangladesh,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.50 , no.1 Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , pp.79-93 , 2024
16 |
Muhammed Mahbubur Rahaman, Asim Das and Rayhan Ara Zaman : Accessibility and Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in University of Dhaka: Transforming the University in Line with Sustainable Development Goals,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.49 , no.1 , pp.205-225 , 2024
17 |
Md. Khairul Islam, Mohammad Mojibur Rahman and Syeda Aticun Nahar : Action Research for Developing Teachers’ Pedagogical Skills in the ‘Out of School Children Education Program,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.50 , no.1 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.61-78 , 2024
18 |
Sadikul Islam, Dr Muhammed Mahbubur Rahaman and Arifur Rahman : Education Failure: Untold Tales of Bangladeshi Transgender’s Unquenchable Educational Aspirations,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.50 , no.1 Institute of Education and Research , pp.7-20 , 2024
19 |
Obaidul Hamid, Shaila Sultana and Mohammod Moninoor Roshid : Transformation of Applied Linguistics in the Global South Context of Bangladesh: Researcher Agency, Imagination, and North-South Cooperation,
Applied Linguistics (impact factor:3.6) Oxford University Press , 2024
20 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and Phan Le Ha : Medium of education and the politics of distraction in school education in Bangladesh,
Current Issues in Language Planning (impact factor:2.4) Taylor & Francis , 2024
21 |
Saira Hossain, Iva Strnadová, Joanne Danker and Sue C. O’ Neill : How Do Bangladeshi Secondary School Students Conceptualise Well-Being in School,
Child Indicators Research (impact factor:2.8) Springer , 2024
22 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and Md. Zulfeqar Haider : Teaching 21st-century skills in rural secondary schools: From theory to practice,
Heliyon (impact factor:062) Elsevier , pp.1-19 , 2024
23 |
Arifur Rahman, Md Shahidul Islam and Tangina Akter : Primary School Children's Addiction to Digital Devices : Insights from Parents, Teachers and Students,
Primary Education Journal , vol.15 , no.1 National Academy for Primary Education , pp.17-33 , 2024
24 |
Rahmadi, I. F., Tanni, S. A., Chowdhury, S. A., Abrori, F. M., Putra, Y. Y., Arafatun, S. K., Utami, R. D. and Syakir, A. : Navigating Emergency Online Learning: A Comparative Study of University Students in Bangladesh and Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic,
Indonesian Journal on Learning and Advanced Education (IJOLAE) , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.269-279 , 2024
25 |
Paul, P. and Al-Mamun, A. : Students’ perception of oral corrective feedback in developing English speaking skills,
BELTA Journal , vol.7 , no.1 Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association , pp.1-13 , 2024
26 |
Chowdhury, S.A. and Siddique, M.N.A. : Developing a Community of Inquiry using an educational blog in higher education from the perspective of Bangladesh,
Frontiers in Education (impact factor:2.3) , vol.9 , 2024
27 |
Sabbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique : Developing Community of Inquiry using Educational Blog in Higher Education of Bangladesh Perspective,
Frontiers in Education , vol.9 Frontiers: , 2024
28 |
Al-Mamun, A. : Geopolitics in knowledge production: Unheard voices from Global South against the linguistic and Euro-American hegemony in academic writing,
TESOL Bangladesh Journal , vol.1 , no.1 TESOL Society of Bangladesh , pp.17-51 , 2024
29 |
Md. Shahidul Islam, Arifur Rahman and Wendy Boyd : Lessons learned during online education experiences of kindergarten during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Early Years (impact factor:.93) Taylor & Francis Group , 2024
30 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman, A B M Ahasan Raqib and Md Ashraf Sadek : Teachers’ Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use of Technology in Primary School Classrooms in Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.49 , no.2 The Registrar, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , pp.109-124 , 2023
31 |
Md Shahrier Haider : Understanding Bourdieusian Social Capital Perspective in Student Experience: A Critical Review,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.49 , no.2 , pp.99-107 , 2023
32 |
Md Shahrier Haider : Technology earns us respect from your able-world”: Disabled students’ perceived outcome of digital technology use in higher education,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.48 , no.2 Institute of Education and Research , pp.102-111 , 2023
33 |
Arifur Rahman, Shahidul Islam, N A M Faisal Ahmad and Merajul Islam : Students’ perceptions of online learning in higher secondary education in Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic,
Social Science and Humanities Open (impact factor:I.9) Elsveir , 2023
34 |
Rehana Khanam, Dudley Ofori and Iffat Naomee : Exploring the link between Adult Literacy and Textese: A multi-method Approach,
International Journal of Private Higher Education , vol.1 , no.4 , 2023
35 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and Anne Kankaanranta : English Communication Skills in International Business: Industry Expectations Versus University Preparation,
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, (impact factor:1.3) Sage , 2023
36 |
A B M Ahasan Raqib, Rayhan Ara Zaman and M Wahiduzzaman : Status of Faculty Professional Development Entities in Bangladeshi Universities: Insights from Professional Development Managers,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.49 , no.1 The Registrar, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , pp.187-203 , 2023
37 |
ABM Ahasan Raqib, Rayhan Ara Zaman and Md Wahiduzzaman : Status of Faculty Professional Development Entities in Bangladeshi Universities: Insights from Professional Development Managers,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.49 , no.1 , pp.187-203 , 2023
38 |
Shaha, R.C., Rani, A. & Rahman, M.F. : English Listening and Speaking skills of Primary Graduate in Bangladesh: Situation, Obstacles and Way Forward,
Primary Education Journal , vol.14 , no.1 National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE), MOPME, Mymemsingh, Bangladesh , pp.65-88 , 2023
39 |
Shahidul Islam, Arifur Rahman and Khairul Islam : Students’ Perceptions of Head Teacher Leadership Roles for Student Engagement at Secondary Schools in Bangladesh.,
Teachers World: Journal of Education. , vol.49 Institute of Education and Research , 2023
40 |
Ahsan, S., Islam, M. K. and Khan, M.R.H. : Scope of Global Citizenship Education in the National Curriculum Framework 2021 of Bangladesh: A critical Review.,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.49 , 2023
41 |
Saira Hossain, Iva Strnadová, Joanne Danker, Nowshin Noor Ahsan and Rafid Rahman Nebir : Taking part while being apart: Conducting participatory research with children during the COVID-19 pandemic,
International Journal of Research & Method in Education (impact factor:1.75) Taylor & Francis Online , 2023
42 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and Phan Le Ha : Higher education as public good, sustainable development goals, and crisis response in neoliberal political economy,
Research in Comparative and International Education Sage , pp.1-31 , 2023
43 |
Arefin, ASMS., Chowdhury, S.A., Roy, R.C., Rahaman, M.M. and Cross,B. : Education System in Bangladesh Amid COVID-19: Traditional Scenario, Emergency Protocols, Challenges and a Proposed Sustainable Conceptual Framework,
Sustainablity (impact factor:3.889) , vol.15 , no.10 MDPI , 2023
44 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and Raqib Chowdhury : Power Dynamics in Business English as a Lingua Franca Discourse,
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly Sage , 2023
45 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and Shaila Sultana : Desire and Marketizing English Version of Education as a Commodity in the Linguistic Market in Bangladesh,
The Qualitative Report , vol.28 , no.3 Nova Southeastern University (NSU) , pp.906-928 , 2023
46 |
Shahidul Islam, Happy Kumar Das and Arifur Rahman : Exploring teachers perceptions of head teacher leadership practices at secondary level in Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal , vol.18 , no.01 NAEM, Ministry of Education , 2023
47 |
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid and Prodhan Mahbub Ibna Seraj : Interrogating higher education's responses to international student mobility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Heliyon Elsevier , 2023
48 |
Arifur Rahman, Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman and Sarmin Kabir : Bangladeshi non-government college teachers under threat of maintaining livelihood in the crisis of pandemic: A phenomenological study,
Teachers World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.48 , no.1 Institute of Education and Research , 2023
49 |
Shaha, R.C. & Rani, A. : Banglish: Emergence of a new English variety,
NAEM Journal , vol.16 , no.1 National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) Secondary and Higher Education Division Ministry of Education, Bangladesh , pp.47-61 , 2023
50 |
Mollika Roy and Saira Hossain : Coping with COVID-19 stressors: A study with university level students,
Psikoislamika: Jurnal Psikologi dan Psikologi Islam , vol.19 , no.2 , 2022
51 |
Iffat Naomee : Students’ Perception of Online Education during Covid-19: A study on the Students of University of Dhaka,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.48 , no.2 , 2022
52 |
Antara, F.A., Arefin, ASMS., Rayhan, M.T. and Chowdhury, S.A. : Detection of Schizophrenia from EEG Signals using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Machine Learning Algorithms,
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics , vol.15 , no.1 , 2022
53 |
Sumera Ahsan, Anwar Hossen, Ishrat Jahan, Ayesha Mahmood, Mahina Rowsun Ara Mim, Sabiha Jahan Sohely, Shah Shamim Ahmed and Hosne Ara Begum : Exploring Bangladeshi Tertiary Level Teachers’ Perceived TPACK and the Demographic Factors that Influence their Perceived TPACK.,
International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning , vol.3 , pp.1-25 , 2022
54 |
Saira Hossain, Sue Catherine O'Neill and Iva Strnadová : What Constitutes Student Well‑Being: A Scoping Review Of Students’ Perspectives,
Child Indicators Research (impact factor:2.322) Springer Nature , 2022
55 |
Saira Hossain and Nazmin Sultana : Burnout in Secondary School Teachers: The Contribution of the Work Environment,
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies , vol.9 , no.4 , pp.1368-1376 , 2022
56 |
M. Moninoor Roshid, Shaila Sultana, Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir, Akhter Jahan, Rubina Khan and Md. Zulfeqar Haider : Equity, fairness, and social justice in teaching and learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic,
Asia Pacific Journal of Education (impact factor:1.478) Routledge , 2022
57 |
Arifur Rahman, Shahidul Islam and Wendy Boyd : Kindergarten teachers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Early Years Education (impact factor:1.543 (h-index 33)) Taylor and Francis Group, UK , 2022
58 |
Saira Hossain and Nazmin Sultana : Psychological burnout among secondary school teachers of Dhaka city: Contribution of demographic factors,
NAEM Journal NAEM , pp.58-72 , 2022
59 |
Akhter Jahan,, Rubina Khan, Mohammod Moninoor Roshid,, Md. Zulfeqar Haider, Shaila Sultana, and Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir : From crisis to opportunity in higher education in Bangladesh,
The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics , vol.14 , no.27-28 University of Dhaka , pp.143-166 , 2022
60 |
Agustina, D., Gathmyr, M, R., Habib, M. A., Tangphutthiuransakul, P. : Behavior Change Communication as a Strategy to Educate Parents in Guiding Children to Successful Online Learning,
Ilomata International Journal of Social Science , vol.3 , no.3 Ilomata International Journal of Social Science , pp.251-263 , 2022
61 |
Al-Mamun, A. : Effective teaching: Impact of teachers' politeness while exercising powers,
Journal of SUB , vol.12 , no.1, 2 State University of Bangladesh , pp.7-14 , 2022
62 |
M Wahiduzzaman : A critical reflection on the University of Dhaka in Educational Research,
Teacher’s World, Journal Of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 48 , no.No.1 , 2022
63 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Education Emergencies,
Teacher’s World, Journal Of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 48 , no.No.1 , 2022
64 |
A B M Ahasan Raqib : Teachers’ Perceptions of Institutional Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Case of a Bangladeshi Public University,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.48 , no.2 The Registrar, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , pp.67-82 , 2022
65 |
Shaila Sultana, M Moninoor Roshid, Md Haider, Rubina Khan, Mian Md Naushaad, Akhter Jahan and others : University Students’ and Teachers’ Wellbeing During COVID-19 in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Enquiry,
The Qualitative Report , vol.27 , no.6 , pp.1635--1655 , 2022
66 |
Rayahan Ara Zaman and A B M Ahasan Raqib : Perception of different stakeholders and Practice of Disabilityinclusive education at secondary schools in Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.48 , no.1 The Registrar, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , pp.167–184 , 2022
67 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman and A B M Ahasan Raqib : Perception of different stakeholders and Practice of Disability-inclusive education at secondary schools in Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.48 , no.University of Dhaka Centennial Special Issue University of Dhaka , pp.167-184 , 2022
68 |
Mian Md Naushaad Kabir, Md Zulfeqar Haider, Rubina Khan, M Moninoor Roshid, Akhter Jahan and Shaila Sultana : Online Assessment Practices of English Language Teachers and Students in Higher Education in Bangladesh: Challenges and Choices,
BELTA Journal , vol.6 , no.1 BELTA , pp.1-20 , 2022
69 |
Md Shahrier Haider : Provision or limitation? Digital technology experiences of students with disabilities at the University of Dhaka,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.48 , no.1 Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2022
70 |
Hendrarso, P., & Habib, M. A. : The Role of Teachers in the Application of Digital Literacy to Create a Digital Literate Generation,
Technium Social Sciences Journal , vol.32 , no.1 Technium Social Sciences Journal , pp.267-277 , 2022
71 |
Rahul Chandra Shaha and Shaha, R. C., Rani. A. & Rahman, M.F. : English Listening and Speaking Skills for Primary Graduate: Used Method and Teaching Aids at present,
Primary Education Journal , vol.13 , no.1 NAPE, MOPME, Mymemsingh, Bangladesh , pp.67-83 , 2022
72 |
Shirin, A., Tanni, S.A. and Chowdhury, S.A. : Learning Achievement and Satisfaction in Online versus Face-to-Face Mathematics Classes: Primary Education in Bangladesh Perspective,
Journal of Primary Education , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.122-131 , 2022
73 |
Shaha, R. C. & Rani : Suicidal Behaviour among the Secondary Level Students of Dhaka: Types and Responsible Agents,
Prime University Journal , vol.15 , no.1 Centre for Research, HRD and Publications Prime University, Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.50-60 , 2021
74 |
Haque, A, M., Zhang X., Alam, S., Hossain, S. , Rahman, A., Bhuiyan, T., Mehedi, S., Islam, A, & Sutana, P : Bibliometric Study and Knowledge Mapping on the Assessment of Environmental Issues in Bangladesh between 1975 and 2021.,
Webology , vol.18 , no.6 Webology , pp.1221-1243 , 2021
75 |
Noman, F., Arefin, A. S., Rahman, S., Chowdhury, S. A. and Asaduzzaman, A. : An Exploratory Study on the Adequacy of Internship Program Duration in Medical Colleges of Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education , vol.12 , no.1 , pp.32-39 , 2021
76 |
Saira Hossain : Exploring parental involvement in early year education of children in Urban Dhaka.,
Teacher's World Institute of Education and Research (IER), Dhaka University , 2020
77 |
S.M.M.R Ashique, S.M.H Rahman and M.N.A. Siddique : Exploring factors affecting STEM enactment: stakeholders’ perspectives,
Teacher's World , vol.44 Institute of Education and Research , 2020
78 |
Iffat Naomee : Performance Management in Bangladeshi Schools: Head Teachers’ Perception,
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review , vol.3 , no.11 , 2020
79 |
Anina Mahmud, Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique, Mohosina Jabin Toma and S M Hafizur Rahman : School Science and secondary level students’ response to COVID-19 in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Education Journal , vol.19 , no.1 Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) , 2020
80 |
Rahul Chandra Shaha and Shaha, R. C., Rani. A. & Hannan, S.M.A. : Suicidal Behaviour among the Secondary Level Students of Dhaka: Vulnerable Age and Grade, Suicidal Thought and Attempt amongst the Students,
NAEM Journal , vol.15 , no.29 National Academy for Educational Management, DSHE, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh , pp.119-134 , 2020
81 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Arefin, ASMS. and Ahmed, F : Factors Behind the Implementation of STEM Education in Bangladesh,
Journal of Physics Conference Series (impact factor:0.48) , 2020
82 |
Syeda aticun Nahar : Second Chance Education Opportunities for the Working Children at the Dhaka University area,
Teacher’s World , Journal of Education and Research,Institute of Education and Research: University of Dhaka. , vol.41 , no.ISSN 0040-0521 , 2020
83 |
Journal of Zoology , vol.48(1) , pp.171-178 , 2020
84 |
Farhana, Z., Tanni, S.A., Shabnam, S. and Chowdhury, S.A. : Secondary Education During Lockdown Situation Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Teachers' Response on Online Classes,
Journal of Education and Practice , vol.11 , no.20 , pp.97-102 , 2020
85 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Tanni, S.A. and Mamun, M.S.I. : Exploring Perceptions and Experience of Educational Blogs in Higher Education of Bangladesh,
Journal of Education and Practice , vol.11 , no.14 , pp.58-64 , 2020
86 |
Ahsan, S., Sarwar, S.M. and Hossain, M.M. : Possibilities of Using Mobile Technology to Improve Early Grade Reading in Bangladesh: Towards a Practical Framework,
Bangladesh Education Journal , vol.18 , pp.47-56 , 2019
87 |
Sumera Ahsan : The Promises of Education policy in Bangladesh to Reform Examination and Evaluation: Reality or Myth?,
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) , vol.8 , pp.344-351 , 2019
88 |
A B M Ahasan Raqib : Innovations in Teacher Training at Higher Education in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies: Part-D] , vol.36 , no.1 The Registrar, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , pp.221-231 , 2019
89 |
Shah Md. Ziauddin and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Deprivation in Education of Child Laborer in Dhaka City,
Primary Education Journal , vol.10 , no.1 National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE) , pp.35-44 , 2019
90 |
S M Kibria, M N A Siddique and Z Farhana : Exploring teaching learning of primary science outside the classroom in Bangladesh: Rationale, scopes, practice and challenges,
Bangladesh Education Journal , vol.18 , no.1 Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development , 2019
91 |
Rahul Chandra Shaha : An Analysis of using Digital Content in English subject at grade IX-X from teachers perspective,
Jagannath University Journal of Arts , vol.9 , no.2 Faculty of Arts, Jagannath University , pp.287-300 , 2019
92 |
Rahul Chandra Shaha and Rahman, M.F., Akanda, M. O. R, & Shaha, R.C. : An Analysis of Classroom Observations on the Use of Digital Content in English Subject at Grade IX-X,
Primary Education Journal , vol.10 , no.1 National Academy for Primary Education, Mymemsingh, Bangladesh , pp.25-34 , 2019
93 |
Tahmina Hoq, Mohosina Jabin Toma, S M Hafizur Rahman. : COVID-19 related news in media: Analyzing the response of mass people using scientific literacy framework in Bangladesh.,
Bangladesh Education Journal , vol.18 , no.1 , pp.53-64 , 2019 (Published in 2020)
94 |
Tahmina Hoq : Probing Beliefs of Secondary Science Teacher on Inquiry-Based Teaching in Bangladesh,
US-China Education Review A , vol.9 , no.4 , pp.171-181 , 2019
95 |
Kibria, S. M., Siddique, M. N. A and Farhana, Z. : Exploring teaching learning of primary science outside the classroom in Bangladesh: Rationale, scopes, practice and challenges,
Bangladesh Education Journal , vol.18 , no.1 , pp.23-32 , 2019
96 |
Tahmina Hoq, Asha Rani Das, Hasina Akhter : Government Science teachers’ perception on ICT Integration and instructional materials in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. , vol.10 , no.7 , pp.163-173 , 2019
97 |
Md Shahrier Haider and Jannatul Ferdaus : A Review of Inclusive Education Contents included in Teacher Education Courses: Bangladeshi Context,
International Journal of Science and researc (impact factor:0.28) , vol.8 , no.9 , pp.175-181 , 2019
98 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman, Dr. Diba Hossain and Dr. Happy Das : ICT for Inclusive Classroom: Teachers’ Perception and Practice in Primary Education,
NAEM Journal , 2019
99 |
Saira Hossain, Sue C. O’Neill and Iva Strnadová : What really matters for students’ school satisfaction in Bangladesh?,
Psychology in the Schools (impact factor:1.14) , vol.56 , no.5 , pp.670-689 , 2019
100 |
Md Shahrier Haider : Framing disability and gender into intersectionality theory: An analytical review,
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (impact factor:0.28) , vol.8 , no.10 , pp.1630-1635 , 2019
101 |
Rahman, S M Hafizur : Challenges of using analogy in secondary Physics teaching-learning: Bangladesh perspective,
Accepted for Publication in Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.V.46 , 2019
102 |
Rahman, S M Hafizur : Challenges of implementing the Inquiry Based Teaching learning in Primary science classroom,
Journal of Teacher Education, Bangladesh Open University , vol.V6 , no.N1 , 2019
103 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas and Rifat Fatema : Exploring the Classroom Practices of Citizenship Education at Primary Level of Bangladesh.,
Journal of Education and Development-Multi Disciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal , vol.Vol-10 , no.ISSN: 2248-9703 , 2019
104 |
Farhana, Z. and Chowdhury, S.A. : Use of ICT by Biology Teachers in the Secondary Schools: Bangladesh Perspective,
Journal of Culture, Society and Development , vol.45 , pp.25-31 , 2019
105 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Rahman, S. and Islam, S. : Teaching-Learning Practices of Information and Communication Technology in Secondary Schools of Bangladesh.,
Journal of Information and Knowledge Management , vol.9 , no.8 , pp.7-13 , 2019
106 |
Jurana Aziz and Dr. Phillip Wilder : “YAL as a Tool for Healing and Critical Consciousness: An International Perspective",
ALAN Review , no.Winter , pp.11 , 2019
107 |
Farhana, Z. and Chowdhury S.A. : Use of ICT by Biology Teachers in the Secondary Schools: Bangladesh Perspective.,
Journal of Culture, Society and Development , vol.45 , pp.25-31 , 2019
108 |
Kalyani Bain and Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique : Organization of Contents in Junior Secondary Science Curriculum in Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal , vol.13 , no.25 National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) , 2018
109 |
Chowdhury, S.A. and Sultana, T. : Conceptual model for M-Learning: Bangladesh Perspective,
Teacher’s World , 2018
110 |
Roshid, M. M., Chowdhury, R., & Webb, S. : English as a business lingua franca: A discursive analysis of business emails,
International Journal of Business Communication , 2018
111 |
Biswas, A.U., Tithi, U.M. and Faisal, R.A. : Nature of Assessment in the Bangla Language Classrooms in Dhaka City.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, IER, University of Dhaka. , vol.43 , 2018
112 |
Jurana Aziz : ) Needs Analysis of the Bangladeshi English Language Learners at a Tertiary Classroom,
European Journal Of English Language Teaching, Volume 3, Issue 2. (impact factor:Need analysis) , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.13 , 2018
113 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Arefin, ASMS. and Rahaman M.M : Impacts of ICT Integration in the Higher Education Classrooms: Bangladesh Perspective. Journal of Education and Practice.,
, vol.9 , no.32 , pp.82-86 , 2018
114 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman and Ridwanul Mosrur : Enhancing Social Development through Educating Nonformal School Teachers,
Bangladesh Open University Journal of Teacher Education , vol.5 , pp.75-84 , 2018
115 |
Shah Md. Ziauddin, Md. Alamgir Hossain and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Utility of Private Tutoring as Shadow Education: A Case Study on a Village Kindergarten School in Comilla District of Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.44 , no.December 2017 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.37-48 , 2017
116 |
Tapashi Binte Mahmud Chowdhury and Mohammed Nure Alam Siddique : An Explorative Study on the Null Secondary Science Curriculum in Bangladesh.,
Science Education International , vol.28 , no.2 International Council of Associations for Science Education , pp.147--155 , 2017
117 |
Kalyani Bain and Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique : Organization of contents in intended junior secondary science curriculum of Bangladesh: An explorative study,
Science Education International , vol.28 , no.2 International Council of Associations for Science Education , 2017
118 |
Rahul Chandra Shaha and Shaha, R. C. & Rani, A. : Assessment and Feedback Modality in Teaching English Listening and Speaking Skills at Grade VI-VII,
Prime University Journal , vol.11 , no.2 Prime University, Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.34-49 , 2017
119 |
Dr. Diba Hossain and Rayhan Ara Zaman : Sexual Abuse and Harassment of Visually Impaired girls in Dhaka city,
The Educator: Transition to Adult Life , vol.32 , no.1 , pp.47-51 , 2017
120 |
Roshid, M. M., Haider, M.Z., Mian, A. R. : Professional identity and performance of English language teacher trainers in Bangladesh: In quest of the ‘self’,,
BELTA Journal , vol.1 , no.1 , 2017
121 |
The Educator : Sexual Abuse and Harassment of Visually Impaired girls in Dhaka city,
The Educator , vol.Vol XXXII , no.Issue 1, July , 2017
122 |
Faisal, R.A., Tithi, U.M. and Hossain, S. : Teachers’ perspective on the mainstreaming of autistic students in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, IER, University of Dhaka , vol.42 , 2017
123 |
Tithi, U.M., Chowdhury, S.A. and Siddik, A. : Exploring the Practice of Assessment Techniques of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Subject in Secondary Schools in Dhaka City,
International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research , vol.3 , no.1 , 2017
124 |
Saira Hossain : Investigating the Features of Early Childhood Education Centers in Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal , vol.23, , 2017
125 |
Kabilan, M. K., Hussin, H., Zul-Qarna, N., Abdullah, A. C., Osman, S., Ismail, H. N., Khan, M. A. and Zinnah, M. A. : International teaching practicum in Bangladesh: An investigation of tesol pre-service teachers’ professional development experiences.,
Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI) , 2017
126 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas : Benefits of Community Learning Centers among the Learners in Bangladesh,
Teachers’ World,Vol-41, Journal of Education and Research , 2017
127 |
Rahman, S M Hafizur : Exploring factors affecting STEM enactment: Stakeholders‟ Perspectives,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.V.44 , 2017 (Published in December 2020)
128 |
Uddin, K.M.S., Chowdhury, S.A. and Mamun M.M. : Problems and Prospects of Brand Communication through Social Media: Evidence in Bangladesh.,
Global Journal of Management and Business Research: G Interdisciplinary , vol.17 , no.1 , pp.1-8 , 2017
129 |
Tithi, U.M., Chowdhury, S.A. and Siddik A. : Exploring the Practice of Assessment Techniques of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Subject in Secondary Schools in Dhaka City.,
International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research , vol.3 , no.1 , 2017
130 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Shaha, R.C. and Afroze R. : Cause and Effect of using Digital Content in Biology Subject at Grade IX-X in Dhaka City.,
Global Journal of Human Sciences: G Linguistics & Education , vol.17 , no.8 , pp.13-20 , 2017
131 |
Jurana Aziz : Volunteer Tutoring for the Struggling Learners of English at the Early Level in a Bangladeshi School: An Action Research,
Bangladesh Education Journal, Vol. 16, No.1 , pp.10 , 2017
132 |
Jurana Aziz : Challenges while Teaching English in the Social Science Classroom: A Bangladesh Perspective,
International Journal of English Language Education , pp.11 , 2017
133 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman, Fatema Begum Popy and Dr. Diba Hossain : Teacher training for Inclusive Primary Education in Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal , vol.12 , no.24 , pp.23-32 , 2017
134 |
Shah Md. Ziauddin and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : A Study on Jagir Master: An Old Supplementary Teaching Tradition in Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal , vol.11 , no.22 National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) , pp.111-122 , 2016
135 |
Md. Mahmud Hussain, Md. Alamgir Hossain and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Practical Relatability of Illustrations in Primary English Textbooks in Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.43 , no.December 2016 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.17-32 , 2016
136 |
S. A. Smita and M. N. A. Siddique : Constructive Science Teaching with Information and Communication Technology: Secondary teachers’ views and Practice,
Teacher's World , vol.43 Institute of Education and Research , 2016
137 |
Rahul Chandra Shaha and Akanda, M. O. R, & Shaha, R. C. : Analysis of content about Child Rights in English Textbook of Grade Seven,
NAEM Journal , vol.11 , no.21 NAEM, Ministry of Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.25-38 , 2016
138 |
H. A. Z. Rony and M. N. A. Siddique : Exploring the classroom practice of ground training for the future airline pilots in the flying schools of Bangladesh,
Teachers' World , vol.43 Institute of Education and Research , 2016
139 |
Tithi, U.M. and Arafat, M.Y. : Challenges Faced by the Ethnic Children due to Using Bangla as the Medium of Instruction at Primary Level in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, IER, University of Dhaka , vol.40 , 2016
140 |
Zinnah, M.A. and Salam, M. A & Shill. K : Active Learning Techniques for Quality Education at Secondary level in Bangladesh: Capacity and Practice.,
NAEM Journal , 2016
141 |
Iffat Naomee and Asif Bayezid : Teachers’ and Students’ Perception and the Challenges of Introducing Mentoring for the Undergrad Students of Bangladesh,
International Journal of Education (IJE) , vol.4 , no.4 , 2016
142 |
Rahman, S M Hafizur : Changing teaching perceptions and culture of professional practice: A Case of secondary science teachers in Bangladesh,
In Jeninka Greenwood (Ed.). Research and Educational Change in Bangladesh , 2016
143 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas : Quality Education in Developing Countries: A Critical Development Perspective,
Journal Social Development, Institute of Social Welfare and Research (ISWR), University of Dhaka , 2016
144 |
Md. Ahsan Habib and Rumana Sultana : Disability and rural society in the first half of the twentieth century: Manik Bandopadhyay,
Bangladesh ShikhshaSamoiki (Bangla Periodical) , vol.13 , no.2 , 2016
145 |
Farhana, Z. and Naser, M. N. : Livelihood Options for the Fishermen of the Jamuna River, Sirajganj, Bangladesh,
Bangladesh. Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.33(1) , pp.211-219 , 2016
146 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Assessment practices in science practical work at IER: Nature, impact and improvement,,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.V.43 , 2016
147 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Secondary Science Teachers‟ Understandings and Challenges in Working with Creative Question in Physics,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.V.43. , 2016
148 |
Chowdhury, S.A. and Dey M : Necessity of IT – integrated Accounting in Undergrad Syllabus: A Comparative Study on Current Students and Professional Accountants.,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.43 , pp.209-219 , 2016
149 |
T. A. Khan and M. N. A. Siddique : Teaching-learning activities in Science classroom as a source of alternative conception: an explorative study,
Teachers' World , vol.42 Institute of Education and Research , 2015
150 |
Rahul Chandra Shaha and Shaha, R. C., & Rahman, M. F. : Digital Content in teaching and learning English at the secondary level of education: Types and usage,
Teacher’s World , vol.42 IER, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh , pp.13-24 , 2015
151 |
Jarin Akther and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : An Analysis of NGOs’ Preprimary Education Monitoring System in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research , vol.3 , no.3 Research Publish Journals , pp.163-169 , 2015
152 |
M. Rahman and M. N. A. Siddique : Conceptual Problems in Science textbook as a source of alternative conception,
Teachers' World , vol.42 Institute of Education and Research , 2015
153 |
Rahman, A & Mazid, F : Primary Social Science Curriculum Terminal Competencies in Bangladesh Focused by Global Policies.,
American Journal of Educational Research , vol.3 , no.12 , pp.1597-1606 , 2015
154 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman, Dr. Diba Hossain and Ridwanul Mosrur : Inclusive Secondary Education: Policies and Practices in Bangladesh,
Teachers World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.42 , pp.111-121 , 2015
155 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman and Shahrier Haider : Mainstreaming Students with Visual Impairment in Secondary Science Education (IX-X): Curriculum Consideration and Assistive Technologies,
Bangladesg Journal of Educational Journal , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.29-41 , 2015
156 |
Shahrier Haider, Rayhan Ara Zaman and Hamidur Rahman Mollah : Social and Educational Impact of ICT Training for the Visually Impaired Students in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Education & Applied Sciences Research , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.30-38 , 2015
157 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman and Afroza Naznin : Special Schools in Rajshahi: Review of Study Content for Children with Intellectual Impairment,
Bangladesh Education journal , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.30- 38 , 2015
158 |
Teacher’s World : Inclusive secondary education: policies and practices in Bangladesh,
Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 42 , no.December , 2015
159 |
A B M Ahasan Raqib, Muhammad Ohiedul Islam and Md. Ayet Ali : Perception of Different Stakeholders and Classroom Practice of Qawmi Madrasa Education,
NAEM Journal , vol.10 , no.19 , pp.1-11 , 2015
160 |
Islam,M. K. and Tithi, U. M. : Strategies for Dealing with Students’ Misbehaviour to Develop Good Classroom Discipline,
Bangladesh Journal of Educational Research, IER, University of Rajshahi. , vol.1 , no.1 , 2015
161 |
Tithi, U. M. and Hossain, K. F. : Reflection of Robert’s Curriculum Emphases on the Learning Outcomes of Grade V Science Curriculum In Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, IER, University of Dhaka. , vol.39 , 2015
162 |
Rajib Ahmed Faisal, Umme Mustari Tithi and Saira Hossain : Teachers’ Perspectives on the Mainstreaming of Autistic Students in Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World, , vol.42 , 2015
163 |
Iffat Naomee : Changing Teacher Education of Bangladesh through Introducing ICT in Education: Educators’ Perception.,
Bangladesh Journal of Educational Research , vol.2 , no.1 , 2015
164 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas : Achievement Test for Grade V and Grade VIII Completers of UCEP General School,
Teachers’ World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol-40 , 2015
165 |
Farhana, Z. and Jahanara, Q. A. : Madhyamic storer Jibobigyaner baboharik shikkhar bortoman obostha,
Bangladesh ShikhshaShamoiki(Bangladesh Education Journal) , vol.12(2) , pp.43-49 , 2015
166 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Influence of „Lesson Study‟ in promoting students‟ scientific literacy: A perspective from secondary science teachers‟ professional learning,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.V.42. , 2015
167 |
Mustafa, T., Naser, M.N., Murshed, S., Farhana, Z., Akter, M. and Ali, L. : Fatty Acid Composition of Three Small Indigenous Fishes of Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Zoology , vol.43(1) , pp.85-93 , 2015
168 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Using analogy in secondary science teaching practice to promote scientific literacy,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.V.42. , 2015
169 |
Jan Šiška and Md. Ahsan Habib : Disability in South Asia: Historical understanding through family, religion, and support structure,
Journal of Theory and Practice Special Education Časopis Pro Teorii A Praxi Speciální Pedagogiky , vol.25 , no.4 , pp.478-489 , 2015
170 |
Naziullah, N., Chowdhury, S.A. and Sultana, T. : Impact of motivation on the attitudes towards mathematics of grade ix science students at rural schools.,
Teachers' World , vol.42 , pp.63-76 , 2015
171 |
Md Shahrier Haider, Rayhan Ara Zaman and Hamidur Rahman Mollah : Social and Educational Impact of ICT Training for the Visually Impaired students in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Education and Applied Sciences Research , vol.2 , no.1 , 2015
172 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman and MD Shahrier Haider : Mainstreaming students with visual impairment in secondary Science Education (XI-X): Curriculum Consideration and Assistive Technology,
Bangladesh Journal of Educational Research , vol.1 , no.1 , 2015
173 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman and Ishrat lanzii : Effectiveness of using ICT in creating awareness among rural women,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.40 , no.December 2014 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.11-20 , 2014
174 |
Mohammed Zakir Hossain and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Reform of secondary school curriculum in Bangladesh: Processes and issues,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.40 , no.December 2014 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.223-236 , 2014
175 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman and Shah Md. Mainuddin : Joint Initiative of the People and Government of Cuba for the Illiteracy Free Society: A Review of Cuban Literacy Movement,
Bangladesh Journal of Education , vol.December 2014 Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) , pp.48-64 , 2014
176 |
O. Sultana and M.N.A Siddique : Teachers’ Understanding and views on teaching science outside classroom,
Teachers' World , vol.40 Institute of Education and Research , 2014
177 |
Mihir Halder, M.N.A Siddique and Omiya Sultana : Secondary Science Teachers’ views and practice of exploring students’ prior knowledge,
Teachers' World , vol.40 Institute of Education and Research , 2014
178 |
M. N. A.Siddique : Portrayal of science process skills in primary science textbooks,
Primary Education Journal , vol.7 , no.1 NAPE , 2014
179 |
Islam, M. K. : Education for democratic citizenship: what are the significant aspects?,
Teacher's World , vol.40 Institute of Education and Research(IER), University of Dhaka , pp.1-10. , 2014
180 |
Tithi, M, U and Islam, M. K : A comparative analysis of citizenship education between Bangladesh and England.,
NAEM , vol.9 , no.18 NAEM , pp.11-17. , 2014
181 |
A B M Ahasan Raqib and Nilufar Jahan : Household Characteristics of Female Teachers Working in Government Primary Schools in Bangladesh,
PRIMARY EDUCATION JOURNAL , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.25-34 , 2014
182 |
Saira Hossain and Ahsan Habib : Psychological research in Education: Trends and issues from 2003 to 2013 in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World , vol.40 , 2014
183 |
Saira Hossain : Teachers’ Perception about Using Participatory Method in Teaching and Learning Practice at Primary Level Education in Bangladesh.,
Primary Education Journal , vol.7 , no.1 , 2014
184 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas and S. Ritu : Non Formal Primary Education,
Bangladesh Shikhsha Samoiki' , BAFED, Dhaka , vol.year 11, number 2 , no.December 2014 , 2014
185 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas and Roksana Parveen : Achieving Quality Primary Education in Bangladesh: A critical analysis on the national evaluation 2013 of the subject Bangla,
Bangladesh Shikhsha Samoiki' BAFED , no.year 14, number 1, June 2017 , 2014
186 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Developing instructional plan for „Refraction of Light‟ of class Eight science using 5E instructional model,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research. , vol.V.40. , 2014
187 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Science teachers‟ perception towards use of ICT in Teaching at secondary level,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research. , vol.V.40. , 2014.
188 |
Alam, J., Chowdhury, S.A. and Islam,M : Analysis of secondary mathematics teachers’ training module-2(geometry) for classes ix-x of BRAC education program.,
Teachers' World , vol.40 , pp.263-275 , 2014
189 |
Turin Ahmed, Alamgir Hossain and Arifur Rahman : Children’s Development and Their Attitudes towards Acitivities of Shishu Bikas Kendro of Plan Bangladesh,
Teachers World , vol.39 Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , pp.109-116 , 2013
190 |
Md. Sohel Rana, Munira Azhar Urmee and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Identifying the Nature of Literacy Method of Reflect Approach Provided by ActionAid Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Education , vol.June 2013 Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) , pp.31-55 , 2013
191 |
M.N.A. Siddique and Farzana Begum : Secondary science teachers’ views on Nature of Science, Nature of Scientific Inquiry and teaching these in classrooms: A qualitative study,
Teachers' World , vol.39 Institute of Education and Research , 2013
192 |
Hossain, A., Sultana, S & Rahman, A : Understanding Quality Education: Humanist View, World Bank, and Unesco Perspective,
Bangladesh Shikhsha Samoiki , vol.2 BAFED , pp.31-44 , 2013
193 |
A.N.M. Salauddin, M. Rabbani. & Rahman. A : Challenges of English Curriculum at Primary Level in Rural Schools of Bangladesh,
The International Journal for Social Sciences , vol.7 , no.1 , 2013
194 |
Roshid, M. M. & Chowdhury, M. R. : English language proficiency and employment: A case study of Bangladeshi graduates in Australian employment market,
Mevlana International Journal of Education (MIJE) , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.68-81 , 2013
195 |
Shanil A H : 'Community Involvement of Income generating Program in Adult Learning Center: Challenges and Prospect,,
Teachers’ World, , vol.Volume-39-40 , no.June and December , 2013
196 |
Zinnah, M.A, and Salam, M. A & Ahmed, S. S. : Challenges affecting primary education of slum children in Dhaka and Chittagong city in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , vol.39 , 2013
197 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas and Tanvir Ahmed : Parental Knowledge and Attitudes towards ECCD Programme of the SBK of Plan Bangladesh,
Teachers’ World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.39 , 2013
198 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : University Science Teacher's Views about „Nature of Science‟ (NOS) and its influence on their practices,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research. , vol.V.39. , 2013
199 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Influence of Secondary Science Teachers‟ Professional Learning Communities in Promoting Students‟ Scientific Literacy,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research. , vol.V.39. , 2013
200 |
Jurana Aziz : Analyzing Errors in Second Language Acquisition,
Journal of Linguistics, University of Dhaka, Vol.4 , vol.04 , 2013
201 |
Arifur Rahman, Abdul Maleque and Selina Banu : Career Paths of Social Science Graduates in Bangladesh,
Teachers World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.37-38 Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , pp.69-84 , 2012
202 |
Munira Azhar Urmee and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Role of Husband’s Education on his Housekeeping Work Participation,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.37-38 , no.December 2012 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.237-245 , 2012
203 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : An Evaluation of Basic Education Curriculum of NGOs in Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.37-38 , no.December 2012 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.151-166 , 2012
204 |
Syed Md. Siam and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Review of Teaching-learning Environment Process of Qoumi Madrashas in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Education , no.December 2012 Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) , pp.35-51 , 2012
205 |
Sanjida Ayesha and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Social Learning Theory of Bandura in Non- Formal Education in Bangladesh: A Feasibility Study,
The Journal of Social Development , vol.24 Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka , pp.353-374 , 2012
206 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman and Md. Tariqul Islam : Religious Morality in Social Science Textbooks for Class III and VIII at Different Types of School: A Review,
Social Science Review , vol.29 , no.June 2012 Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka , pp.135-148 , 2012
207 |
Rayhan Ara Zaman and Shahrier Haider : Employment and Job Satisfaction of Visually Impaired people in Dhak,
NAEM Journal , vol.14 , no.7 , pp.41-47 , 2012
208 |
Syeda Aticun Nahar : A Status of Learning Environment of Pre-primary Education run by the Non-government Organization in Dhaka,
NAEM Journal , vol.December , no.Issue- 15 , 2012
209 |
Abul Ehsan, Taposh Kumar Biswas and Md. Asrafuzzaman : Follow up Review of Primary Teachers Training Program in Bangladesh,
Primary Education Journal, NAPE, Mymensingh , vol.6 , pp.1-11 , 2012
210 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas and Tania Rubaiya : Primary Education,
Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.11 , no.June 2012, Second Edition , 2012
211 |
Subrata Kumar Saha, Taposh Kumar Biswas and K. Barai : The Status of Environmental Education Situation implemented by NGOs in the South-west Part of Bangladesh,
Teachers’ World- Journal of Education and Research , vol.37-38 , no.July 2013 , 2012
212 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Secondary Science Teachers' view about subject matter knowledge and its impact on their teaching learning process,
Teacher's World: Journal of Education and Research. , vol.V.37-38. , pp.57-67 , 2012
213 |
Jan Šiška and Md. Ahsan Habib : Attitudes towards disability and inclusion in Bangladesh: from theory to practice,
International Journal of Inclusive Education (impact factor:1.144) , vol.17 , no.4 , pp.393-405 , 2012
214 |
Md Shahrier Haider and Rayhan Ara Zaman : Employment and Job Satisfaction of Visually Impaired People of Different Literacy Level in Dhaka,
NAEM journal , vol.7 , no.11 , 2012
215 |
Zinnah, M. A. and Osman, S. : Social Science teachers’ content knowledge understanding: a case study at general secondary education level in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2012
216 |
Md. Kamrul Hasan, Mohammad Mojibur Rahman and Md. Khairul Islam : Mobile Phone Conversation: Impact on Reading habit of Residential Student of University of Dhaka,
Bangladesh Journal of Education , no.December 2011 Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) , pp.37-47 , 2011
217 |
Islam, M. K. : A Critical Investigation into Teaching Methods and Techniques used in the Classroom of Environmental Studies (Social Studies) in the Government Primary Schools in Bangladesh.,
NAEM Journal , vol.7 NAEM , pp.91-96. , 2011
218 |
M Wahiduzzaman : The Role of Upazila Academic Supervisor for Quality Education at Secondary Level,
Samajic Biggan Patrika(Bengali Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.Vol. 5 , no.No. 5 , 2011, December
219 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Secondary Science Teachers‟ views about Pedagogy and its impact on their teaching learning process,
Green University Review, , vol.Vol. 2 (1), , pp.143-153, , 2011,
220 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Maruf Kamal and Md Shahrier Haider : Challenges and Successes of Existing Adult Education Programs in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study,
Teacher’s World , vol.35-36 , 2011
221 |
Islam, M. K. : Methods and Techniques Used in the Social Science Classroom at the Secondary Level in Bangladesh: An Investigation,
Teacher's World , vol.35-36 Institute of Education and Research(IER), University of Dhaka , pp.267-274 , 2010
222 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Reflect: A Participatory Learning Approach of Lifelong Education,
Bangladesh Journal of Education , no.June 2010 Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) , pp.37-57 , 2010
223 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman, Md. Shahrier Haiier and Maruf Kamal : Challenges and Successes of Existing Adult Education Programs in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.35-36 , no.June 2010 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.129-140 , 2010
224 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Attitude of Female Teachers towards their Profession in government primary schools of Bangladesh,
Teacher's World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 36 , 2010
225 |
Islam, M. K. & Ray, R. : Necessity of Parents Involvement in Primary Schools to Improve the Quality of Primary Education in Bangladesh.,
NAEM Journal. , vol.5 NAEM , pp.53-60. , 2010
226 |
Khan, M. A.,, Zinnah, M. A. and Salam, M. A. : Using E-Portfolio for Teacher Professional Development: A Theoretical Perspective.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2010
227 |
Syeda aticun Nahar : English Language Learning of Students at Primary Level in Bangladesh’,
Teachers’ World , vol.Vol-32 , no.June , 2010
228 |
Mohammad Mahboob Morshed and Sumera Ahsan : Behavioral difficulties in rural junior secondary students of Bangladesh and its relation with school achievement (in Bengali).,
Bangladesh Shiksha Shamoyiki , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.27-36 , 2010
229 |
Md. Wahiduzzaman and A B M Ahasan Raqib : Attitude of Female teachers towards their Profession of government primary schools in Bangladesh,
TEACHER'S WORLD , vol.36 , pp.169-178 , 2010
230 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas and Goutam Roy : Planning Student-centred Education: Some Important Consideration,
Primary Education Journal, NAPE, Mymensingh , 2010
231 |
Taposh Kumar Biswas, Subrata Kumar Saha and Farzana Nasrin : An Assessment of Formal Environmental Education System at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh,
Teachers’ World- Journal of Education and Research , vol.35-36 , no.December 2009 and June 2010 , 2010
232 |
Ahsan Habib and Saira Hossain : Fifty years of Teacher’s World: Shift in Research Trends and Interests in the Field of Education of Bangladesh,
Teacher's World , vol.35-36 , 2010
233 |
Rahman, S M Hafizur : The influence of professional learning on secondary science teachers‟ ways of Improving their subject teaching in Bangladesh,
In W. K. Chan (Ed.), Asia Pacific education: Diversity, challenges and changes, Melbourne: Monash University Publishing , 2010
234 |
Rahman, S M Hafizur : Students’ perceptions of learning science in small groups: A case study in higher education,
Brunei International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education , vol.Vol 2 (1) , pp.32-47 , 2010
235 |
Farhana, Z., Naser, M. N. and Jahanara, Q.A. : Education Plays Role in Alternative Skill and Livelihoods Support: Insight from two Fishermen Communities of Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal , vol.5(10) , pp.113-117 , 2010
236 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Secondary science teachers‟ views about science as a subject to teach and its impact on teaching-learning process,
NAEM Journal, A journal of National Academy for Educational Management, Ministry of Education , vol.7(14), Accepted , 2010
237 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : The Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM): A possibility for facilitating the process of teachers‟ professional development in Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal, A journal of National Academy for Educational Management, Ministry of Education. , vol.4(8). , 2010
238 |
Ferdousi, S., Salam, M. A., and Zinnah, M. A. : Role of Nonformal Primary Education towards Students’ Mainstreaming in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2010
239 |
Md Shahrier Haider and Hamidur Rahman Mollah : The Future of Accessing Media for the Visually Impaired: Comparing Braille and Audio,
Teacher’s World , vol.37-38 , 2010 and 2011
240 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Role of Media in Disaster Risk Reduction Programme in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 26 , no.No. 2 , 2009
241 |
Ahsan, S., Sarker, M. A., Morshed, M. M., Gomes, J. J. and Nahreen, R. J. : Inclusion of science process skills in primary education of Bangladesh: An analysis of curriculum reports and textbooks,
Journal of Teacher Education Open University , vol.4 , 2009
242 |
Aklima Sharmin, Dr. Delwer Hossain Sheikh and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : Impact of Reflect Approach to Empower Disadvantaged People: An Initiative of Actionaid Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.33-34 , no.December 2008 & June 2009 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.157-166 , 2009
243 |
Siddique, M. N. A. (co-authored) : Prospective Science Teachers’ and Educators’ Views and Understanding of Ideas about Science.,
Journal – A Journal of Education Management , vol.4 , no.8 NAEM , 2009
244 |
Islam, M. K, Banu, S. and Begum, M. : Inclusion of Contemporary Social Problems and Issues in the Social Science Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level in Bangladesh: An Investigation.,
Teacher's World , vol.33-34 Institute of Education and Research(IER), University of Dhaka , pp.113-120 , 2009
245 |
Roshid, M. M. : Performance of teachers in implementing the communicative approach in English classes at the secondary level: An evaluative study.,
Teacher's World , vol.33-34 , pp.177-186 , 2009
246 |
Roshid, M. M., H. Zulfiqur & Mian A. R : A comparative study of communicative English courses conducted by NAEM, ELTIP and BIAM,
NAEM Journal , 2009
247 |
Maleque, A. : The Radical Trends of Educational Thoughts and Social Reformation of Bengal in Nineteenth Century: A Critical Analysis, Dhaka University Journal (Bangla),
The Radical Trends of Educational Thoughts and Social Reformation of Bengal in Nineteenth Century: A Critical Analysis, Dhaka University Journal (Bangla) , vol.Issue No. 90 , no.A Critical Analysis, Dhaka University Journal (Bangla) , pp.Issue No. 90 , 2009
248 |
Sumera Ahsan : Classroom Assessment Culture in Secondary Schools of Dhaka City,
Teacher’s World: Journal of Education and Research , vol.33-34 , pp.231-244 , 2009
249 |
Teacher’s World : Childhood Cataracts Magnitude, Management and Their Educational Impact,
Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 35-36 , no.December, 2009 and June 2010 , 2009-2010
250 |
The Dhaka University Studies Journal : The Effects of Academic Teaching Learning Method on Visually Impaired Learners of Secondary Level in Inclusive Setting,
The Dhaka University Studies Journal , 2009
251 |
A B M Ahasan Raqib : Inclusive Education at Primary Level: Role of Head Teachers,
NAEM Journal , vol.4 , no.8 , pp.70-81 , 2009
252 |
Abul Ehsan, Azharul Islam and Taposh Kumar Biswas : An Evaluation of Experience of Foreign Students in Bangladesh,
Teachers’ World- Journal of Education and Research , vol.33-34 , no.December 2008 and June 2009 , 2009
253 |
Zinnah, M. A., and Osman, S., & Begum, M. : Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge to cope with the Challenge of Quality Primary Education in Bangladesh.,
Primary Education Journal , 2009
254 |
Rahman, M. F., Begum, M., & and Zinnah, M. A. : Exploring EFL Teaching Strategy for Ethnic Children at Secondary Level of Education in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2009
255 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Review of the book of Gokulsing, K. Moti. 2004. Soft-soaping India: the world of Indian televised soap operas,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 25 , no.No. 2 , 2008
256 |
Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique : Ideas about science portrayed in the existing and proposed science curricula of grades IX-X in Bangladesh,
Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching , vol.9 , no.2 The Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Science and~…: , pp.1--17 , 2008
257 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Mass Media, Non-Formal Education and Women Empowerment in Bangladesh,
Teacher's World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol.32-33 , 2008
258 |
Diba Hossein, A. Khanam Munni and Md Shahrier Haider : A Study on Visually Impaired Students in Higher Education,
Teacher’s World , vol.32 , pp.73-79 , 2008
259 |
Teacher’s World : A Study on Visually Impaired Students in Higher Education,
Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol.32 , no.June , 2008
260 |
Zinnah, M. A., and Osman, S., & Rahman, M. F. : The Development of Beginning Secondary Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Teacher Education in Bangladesh: A Critical Overview.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2008
261 |
Siddique, M. N. A. (co-authored) : Introducing open investigation in secondary science practical work: Prospects and challenges in the context of Bangladesh,
Teacher's World , vol.31 Institute of Education and Research , 2007
262 |
Siddique, M. N. A. (co-authored) : Assessment policy and practice at the Institute of Education and Research: A reflective study,
Teacher's World , vol.31 Institute of Education and Research , 2007
263 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Crisis in Education and the Importance of Non-Formal Education,
Teacher's World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol.30-31 , 2007
264 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Review of the book of Gokulsing, K. Moti and Dissanayake, Wimal (2004), Indian Popular Cinema: a narrative of cultural change,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 24 , no.No. 1 , 2007
265 |
Siddique, M. N. A. (co-authored) : Content analysis of the new Bachelor of Education (B Ed) curriculum for the secondary school teachers in Bangladesh,
Proshikhayan – A Journal of Training and Development , vol.15 , no.2 , 2007
266 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Qualitative Method and its Role in Non-Formal Education and Media Research in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol. 2 , 2007
267 |
Diba Hossein and Md Shahrier Haider : ঢাকা শহরে স্কুল গমন উপযোগী দৃষ্টি প্রতিবন্ধীদের কার্যকর দৃষ্টি পরিমাপণ (Functional Vision Assessment of school aged children with visual impairment in Dhaka city ),
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268 |
Abul Ehsan and Taposh Kumar Biswas : Qualitative Research Method: A Review,
Primary Education Journal, NAPE, Mymensingh , vol.Vol-1 , pp.Page- 7-16 , 2007
269 |
Zinnah, M. A., and Osman, S. : Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching: A Critical Review.,
The Dhaka University Studies, University of Dhaka , 2007
270 |
Zinnah, M. A. and Osman, S. : The Needs to Explore the Social Science Teacher’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching at the General Secondary Level (grades VI to X) in Bangladesh.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2007
271 |
Md. Azharul Islam and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : The Contribution of Civil Society for the Development of Primary Education of Bangladesh,
Journal of Teacher Education , vol.4 , no.2006 School of Education, Bangladesh Open University , pp.130-143 , 2006
272 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Review of the book of Rahman, M. Golam. 1999. Communication Issues in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 23 , no.No. 1 , 2006
273 |
Dr. Md. Azharul Islam and Mohammad Mojibur Rahman : The Impact of Independent Variables on the Organizational Climate of the Teachers’ Training Colleges of Bangladesh,
Teacher’s World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.28-29 , no.June 2006 IER, University of Dhaka , pp.131-144 , 2006
274 |
Siddique, M. N. A. : A Critical Review of Higher Secondary Chemistry Curriculum of 1995,
Teacher's World , vol.28 , 2006
275 |
Md Shahrier Haider and Diba Hossein : The Effect of Environmental Modification on Primary School Children with Low Vision,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.63 , no.2 , pp.33-56 , 2006
276 |
Roshid, M. M., Akhter, S. T. & Akbar. S. : Higher secondary female stipend project: A milestone in the development of female education in Bangladesh,
Teachers’ World , 2006
277 |
Zahurul Islam and Taposh Kumar Biswas : Planning Bilingual Education and Its Relation to Research and Theories on Bilingual Language Acquisition,
Journal of Teacher Education, School of Education, Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur. , 2006
278 |
Hossain, M. A., Karim, M. K. and Talukder, A. K. : The Changing Perspective of Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Primary Education,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka. , vol.28-29 , pp.119-124 , 2006
279 |
Hossain, M. A.,, Zinnah, M. A., and Sultana, S. : Program Monitoring in Primary Education, Theoretical Basis, Evolution and Possibility.,
Dhaka Biswabidyalaya Patreka , 2006
280 |
Siddique, M. N. A., (co-authored) : Satyendra Nath Bose's educational thoughts,
Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika [in Bengali] , vol.23 , no.1 and 2 Bangladesh Asiatic Society , 2005
281 |
M Wahiduzzaman, Adedeji, S.O. and Morgan, W.J. : The Role of Television and radio in Non-Formal Education in Bangladesh,
Education and Development in the Commonwealth: Comparative Perspectives , vol.Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, 2005 , 2005
282 |
Roshid, M. M. : Gender-neutral language in English: Problems and solutions, Journal of Institute of Modern Languages,
Journal of Institute of Modern Languages , 2005-2006
283 |
Naser, M. N. and Farhana, Z. : Some Histological and Histomorphometric aspects of digestive system of the Rui fish, Labeorohita (Hamilton, 1822) from Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Zoology , vol.33(1) , pp.1-8 , 2005
284 |
Zinnah, M. A., and Hoque, M. R. : HIV/AIDS Awareness in School Education (Grade I – Grade X) in Bangladesh: Analysis and Relevant Suggestions.,
Dhaka Biswabidyalaya Patreka , 2005
285 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Effectiveness of 'Shikshatrider Ashor: A Programme of Bangladesh Betar for the Secondary Students,
Teacher's World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 26-27 , 2004
286 |
Roshid, M. M : First language acquisition and its theories,
Journal of Darul Ihsan University Studies , vol.1 , no.1 , 2004
287 |
Journal of Teacher Education : Training Colleges of Bangladesh,
Journal of Teacher Education , vol.Vol. 2 , 2004
288 |
Zinnah, M. A., and Begum, H. A. : Bangladesh Nimno-Madhamic Storer Samajic Biggan Sikkhacrome: Ekti Parjalachana (The Lower Secondary Social Science Curriculum in Bangladesh: An Analysis).,
Dhaka Biswabidyalaya Patreka , 2004
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Ehsan, A., Akbar, S. & Roshid, M. M : Word acquisition process from the Bengali textbook of grade V at primary Level: A Study,
Dhaka University Journal [Dhaka Biswabidyalaya Patrica] , 2003
290 |
Rahman, F. M., Maleque, A., and Zinnah, M. A. : Politeness and Face Across the Cultures: A Sociolinguistic Analysis,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka , 2003
291 |
Banu, S.,, Rahman, M., F., Hossain, S.F and Maleque, A : Classroom Teaching in Social Science at the Secondary Schools of Bangladesh- A Critical Investigation,
Teachers’s World, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.Vol 24-28 Dhaka: Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , 2002
292 |
Hossain, M., A., Nath, B.K., and Maleque, A. : Relationship Between Class Characteristics of Parents and Participation Levels of Students: A Contemporary Phenomenon of Dhaka Metropolitan City,
Teacher’s World, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.Vol. 24-25 Dhaka: Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. , 2002
293 |
Rahman, F. M., and Zinnah, M. A. : Irony: The Case of Side Participation.,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2002
294 |
Begum, H. A.,, Zinnah, M. A., and Alam, M. S : Action Research in Education: Context based Solution of Educational Problem),
Nibandhamala, Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka , 2002
295 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Education For All: Making The Right A Reality,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol.18 , no.No.2 , 2001
296 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Human Rights and the Rights of Women in Bangladesh Hindu Law,
Dhaka Viswavidyalay Patrika (Bengali Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.Vol. 69 , 2001
297 |
Md Abdul Halim & and Md Fazlul Karim : Three- dimensional Features of tube-like Eddies in MHD-homogeneous Turbulence,
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of sciences , vol.Vol. 252, , no.2 , pp.pp. 125-130 , 2001
298 |
Zinnah, M. A. and Begum, H. A. : Muktijuddher Itihas O Amader pathocrom: NGO Sikkha Karjocrom (History of Liberation War and Our Curricula: NGO Education Programs).,
Nibandhamala, Special Issue, Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka , 2001
299 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Role of Mass Media in Literacy Movement in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 17 , no.No.2 , 2000
300 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Relation between Religion and Education in Pre-British India,
Philosophy and Progress , vol.Vol. XXVIII , 2000
301 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Mass Media and Education: Role of Mass Media in Non-formal Basic Education in Bangladesh,
Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Humanities , vol.45 (2) , 2000
302 |
M Wahiduzzaman : An Analysis of the Law of Secondary Education in Bangladesh,
Dhaka Viswavidyalay Patrika (Bengali Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.Vol. 67 , 2000
303 |
Parveen, I. and Maleque, A., : Secondary School General Mathematics Curricula of 1977 and 1995- A Comparative Analysis,
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Hossain, D and Maleque, A. : Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction of Male and Female Teachers in Public and Private High Schools in Dhaka City,
Teacher’s World, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.Vol. 21-23, Dhaka: Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , 2000
305 |
Maleque, A., : Reconstruction of Secondary Education in Bangladesh- A Guideline,
Dhaka University Patrika, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , no.issue 67 Dhaka: Dhaka University Patrika, , 2000
306 |
Alam, S., M.,, Zinnah, M. A., and Rahman, F. M. : Globalization of Information and Its Impact on Higher Education: Bangladesh Perspective,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 2000
307 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Role of Mass Communication in the LDCs: Development vs. Dependency,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 16 , no.No. 2 , 1999
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M Wahiduzzaman : The Historical Development of Pre-Industrial City and its main features,
Dhaka Viswavidyalay Patrika (Bengali Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.Vol. 64 , 1999
309 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Equality and Inequality in Education,
Philosophy and Progress , vol.Vol. XXIV-XXV , 1998
310 |
M Wahiduzzaman : Mass Communication for Development and Education,
Teacher's World , vol.Vol. 21-23 , 1997
311 |
Alam, S.,, Zinnah, M.A., and Rahman, F. M. : Library Provision for Primary School Children in Bangladesh: Development Issues,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , 1997
312 |
Rubina Khan, Akhter Jahan, Shaila Sultana, Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir, Md. Zulfeqar Haider, M. Moninoor Roshid : Accessing Online Instruction amidst COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Barriers and Coping Strategies,
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Shey, M, Islam, M. A., Moukay, C., Chakma, D., Roshid, M. M., & Ahmed, S. S : The analysis of children’s preference in selecting story books [in Bangla],,
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Mahbubul Hasan, Iffat Naomee and Roksana Bilkis : Reflection of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy in the Social Science Questions of Secondary School Certificate Examination,
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Iffat Naomee : Role of Families on Early Childhood Development and Education: Dhaka City perspective,
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Iffat Naomee and Umme Mustari Tithi : Reflection of Bloom’s Taxonomy on the Learning Outcomes of Secondary Social Science Curriculum of Bangladesh,
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Mahbubul Hasan, Roksana Bilkis and Iffat Naomee : Reformation of Environment Policy: Bangladesh Perspective,
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Maleque,, A.,, Banu, S and Rahaman Md. Arifur : Career Path of Social Science Graduates in Bangladesh,
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Maleque, A. and Islam, F. : Child Rights and Education in Bangladesh: An Analysis on the Global Perspective,,
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Maleque, A., : Lower Secondary Social Science Curriculum of Bangladesh: Selected Issues, Social Science Review, (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D),
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Begum, M., Hossain, M., A and Maleque, A. : Classroom Performance of the Secondary School Teachers in Bangladesh : An Evaluation, Teacher’s World, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,
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Rahman, M., F.,, Zinnah, M.A., and Maleque, A. : Politeness and Face Across the Cultures: A Sociolinguistic Analysis, Social Science Review, (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D),,
Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.Vol. 20 , no.No. 1 Dhaka: Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , June 2003
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Maleque, A : Teaching Social Science at the Secondary Schools of Bangladesh- Direction and Development, Social Science Review,
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Syeda Aticun Nahar : বাংলাদেশের মাধ্যমিক স্তরের ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বাংলা পাঠ্যপুস্তকে শিক্ষাক্রম অনুসৃত শিখনফল ও বিষয়বস্তুর প্রতিফলনঃ একটি বিশ্লেষণধর্মী পর্যালোচনা’,
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Syeda Aticun Nahar : ‘Role of Skill Development Training Provided by Dhaka Ahsania Mission in Improving the Socio- economic Condition of Women, The Journal of Social Development,,
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Md Abdul Halim : • Teacher Education in Bangladesh from the Perspective of Teacher Training for Secondary Schools,,
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Md Abdul Halim : Essential Learning Continua Based Approach for Teaching of mathematics,,
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Md Abdul Halim : Quality Issues in The Higher Education Institutions in Bangladesh,,
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Rahman, S M Hafizur : Secondary science teachers‟ pedagogical content knowledge from content representation (CoRe) on genetics,
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Rahman, S M Hafizur : Influence of Professional Learning Community (PLC) on Learning a constructivist teaching approach (POE): The case of secondary science teachers of Bangladesh,
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Rahman, S M Hafizur : Influence of Professional Learning Community (PLC) on secondary science teachers‟ culture of professional practice: The case of Bangladesh,
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Rahman, S M Hafizur : Teacher’s Belief, Practice and Challenges in implementing Inquiryi Based Teaching at Higher Secondary Biology Class,
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Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : বাংলাদেশের মাধ্যমিক স্তরের শিক্ষার্থীদের গণিত বিষয়ে ভীতির কারণ অনুসন্ধান,
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Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Reflection of Pedagogical Content knowledge (PCK) on DPEd Science Curriculum,
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377 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Status of Scientific Literacy achieved by grade VIII students in rural schools in Bogra districts of Bangladesh,
NAEM Journal, A journal of National Academy for Educational Management, Ministry of Education , vol.8(15), , July-December 2012
378 |
Md Abdul Halim : Mathematics Teaching Practices at the Primary Schools: A Comparative View,
The Southeast Journal of Business Studies , vol.Vol. II , no.No . 2 , pp.pp. 161-180 , July – December 2006,
379 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Impact of Teaching Load in Teaching Learning Process: Secondary Science Teachers‟ views,
NAPE Journal. , vol.6 (1), , pp.12-26. , June 2012.
380 |
Md Abdul Halim : Primary Education - Need and Importance,
The journal of Social Development , vol.Vol. 18 , no.No. 1 , pp.pp. 59-64 , December 2006
381 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur : Prospective Science Teachers' and Educators' Views and Understanding of Ideas about Science.,
NAEM Journal, A journal of National Academy for Educational Management, Ministry of Education. , vol.4(8), , June 2009.
382 |
Md Abdul Halim : • A Comparative study of mathematics Curriculum at primary Level in Bangladesh and West Bengal of India,
Bangladesh Education Journal , vol.Vol. 2 , no.No. 1 , pp.pp.41-51 , July 2006
383 |
Md Abdul Halim : Mathematics at Primary Level in Bangladesh and India: The Critical Analysis and Comparative View of Curriculum Objectives,
Teacher’s World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 28-29 , pp.pp.183-194 , June 2006,
384 |
Md Abdul Halim : A study of Vertical Organization of the Contents of Elementary Mathematics Curriculum,
Social Science Review , vol.Vol.23 , no.Number 1 , pp.pp. 111-116 , June 2006
Conference Proceedings (80) |
1 |
Islam, M.A., Islam, R., Chowdhury, S.A., Nur, A.H., Sufian, M.A. and Hasan, M. "Assessing Cybersecurity Threats: The Application of NLP in Advanced Threat Intelligence Systems."
3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering, Technology and Applications
Catania: Springer, 2024
2 |
Islam, M.A., Ashraf, M., A.S.M., Loukil, Z. and Chowdhury, S.A. "Assessing Bank Loan Applicant (Credit Score) Through ML: A Comparative Approach."
3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering, Technology and Applications
Catania: Springer, 2024
3 |
Chowdhury, S. A., Sharmin, R., Al-Amin, M., Mamun, M. R. A. and David, A. "Educational Supply Chain Management in the Higher Education Sector: Bangladesh Perspective."
2023 DSI Annual Conference - Responsive, Relevant, Responsible: Decision Making in the age of Transformation
Atlanta: 2023
4 |
Md. Khairul Islam and Rayhan Ara Zaman "SocialExclusion of Parents of Children with Disabilities: A Phenomenological Study."
Australian association for Research in Education (AARE)
Melbourne: AARE, 2023
5 |
Islam, M. K., Zinnah, M, A, Wahiduzzaman, M., Ahsan, M, T, Habib, M A, Malak, M, S., Khan, M S., Ahsan, S., Salam, M. A. and Hossain, D. "Secondary School Teachers’ Experiences of Using Gender and Inclusive Pedagogies Towards Bringing Changes in the Classrooms and Schools."
The 15th Asian Conference on Education
Tokyo, Japan, Presented online: 2023
6 |
Zinnah, M.A., Islam, M.K., Ahsan, S., Salam, M.A. and Hossain, D. "Teacher’s Role as an Action Researcher for Implementing Gender and Inclusive Pedagogy in Secondary Schools of Bangladesh."
The 4th International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIE 2023)
Virtual presentation, Bali, Indonesia: 2023
7 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Cross, B. and Hainey, T. "ICT Integration in HE Sector in Southeast Asia: A Systematic Review."
UWS Research Conference
8 |
Arefin, ASMS and Chowdhury, S.A. "Exploring policies to adopt STEM education in Bangladesh."
Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference Proceedings Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy
University College London, UK: 2022
9 |
Ahsan, S., Hossen, M.M. and Diallo, A. "Social Justice Issues Faced by the Visually Impaired University Students of Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic."
National Rehabilitation Counseling Association (NRCA) Conference
virtual conference, USA: NRCA, 2021
10 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Hainey, T. and Cross, B. "Challenges and Pathways to Integrate Mobile Learning Andragogy Approaches in STEM Related Courses in Bangladesh Higher Education."
8th Annual Education Studies Post Graduate Research Conference 2021, University of Warwick
11 |
Shaha, R.C.,Hossain, M.S. & Asaduzzaman, M. "Digital Content in Ensuring Integrity for Teaching and Learning English at the Secondary Level of Education: Perspective of Bangladesh."
Dubai Conference-2020
, pp. 166-177. Dubai, UAE: European Network for Academic Integrity, 2020
12 |
Tanni, S. A., Al- Amin, M. and Chowdhury, S. A "Exploring Challenges & Scopes for the Adaptation of Online Classes of Higher Education during Emergencies of Covid-19: Bangladesh Perspective."
Tradition, Development & Innovation in Didactics (TDID)
Doctoral School at Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania & Linz School of Education at Johannis Kepler University, Austria: 2020
13 |
Chowdhury, S.A. "ICT Integration in Higher Education System of Developing Countries: Challenges and Future Pathways."
UWS Annual Learning, Teaching and Research Conference 2020 (Online)
14 |
Chowdhury, S.A., Arefin, ASMS and Ahmed,F "Factors behind the Implementation of STEM Education in Bangladesh."
ICoSTEM-ED2019: Learning Innovation in Science and Technology to Challenge the Future
University of Jember, Indonesia: 2019
15 |
Tahmina Hoq, Mahbub Ahsan Khan "Becoming a teacher: challenges faced during practicum to foster essential skills.."
1st International conference on education in the digital ecosystem: blended learning in teacher training- innovation and good practices-2019
, pp. 110-117. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: DEStech Publications, Inc, 2019
16 |
Mahbub Ahsan Khan, Tahmina Hoq "The role of quality assurance mechanism in pedagogical aspects of higher education.."
1st International conference on education in the digital ecosystem: blended learning in teacher training- innovation and good practices-2019
, pp. 100-109. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: DEStech Publications, Inc, 2019
17 |
Khalid,M.S, Chowdhury,S.A and Parveen M "A theoretical framework to analyze students' formative feedback on classroom teaching."
1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Ecosystem
, pp. 30. Kuching, Sarwak, Malaysia: 2019
18 |
Khalid,M.S, Chowdhury,S.A and Zander P "Engagement pattern of course participants in an Erasmus+ blended learning project for teacher educators."
1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Ecosystem
, pp. 30. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: 2019
19 |
Chowdhury,S.A, Tanni,S and Mamun S.I "Exploring Perceptions and Experience of Educational Blogs of the Teachers and Students of Higher Education: Bangladesh Perspective."
Conference: 1st CETL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION: In Pursuit of Quality in Higher Education: Challenges Ahead
, pp. 34. Dhaka: 2019
20 |
Hasan Al Zubayer Rony and Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique "Explorative Study on the Factors Influencing Aviation Education in a Developing Country."
21 |
Mohammad Mojibur Rahman "Sexual Harassment at Higher Education Institutions in Bangladesh: The Quest for Policy Intervention."
Managing, Researching, and Enabling Respectful Sexual Conduct in Higher Education
, pp. 4. Ghent, Belgium: Ghent University, Belgium, 2018
22 |
Chowdhury, S.A. and Sultana T "Conceptual Model for M-Learning: Perspective Bangladesh."
National Conference on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh: Educational Responses, Challenges and Possibilities
, pp. 63. Dhaka: 2018
23 |
Sumera Ahsan and Mohammad Mahboob Morshed "Secondary School Teacher preparation on Classroom Assessment in Bangladesh: A Vertical Case Study to Explore Policy as Practice."
Comparative and International Education Society Conference
Mexico City, Mexico: Comparative and International Education Society, 2018
24 |
Mohammad Mahboob Morshed and Sumera Ahsan "Immigration and education: How Bangladeshi immigrant parents in the USA navigate cultural differences in their children’s education."
Comparative and International Education Society Conference
Mexico City, Mexico: Comparative and International Education Society, 2018
25 |
Sumera Ahsan "Secondary school teachers’ professional development on classroom assessment in Bangladesh: How policy is localized in Teacher’s Training College."
61st Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
Atlanta, GA, USA: 2017
26 |
Iffat Naomee and Farhan Azim "Exploring the Inclusion of Underprivileged Students in ICT Based Learning."
4th International Conference on Inclusive Education
Dhaka: 2017
27 |
Sumera Ahsan and Mohammad Mahboob Morshed "Combining Accountability and Classroom Assessment for Promoting Learning and Social Equity."
Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) Student Research Conference
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Comparative and International Education Society, 2015
28 |
Mohammad Mahboob Morshed and Sumera ahsan "Behavioral Difficulties in Rural Junior Secondary Students of Bangladesh."
Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) Student Research Conference
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2015
29 |
Sumera Ahsan "Mobile Messages for Improving Early Grade Reading in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned from Save the Children’s mBoost Project."
Comparative and International Education Society Conference
Washington D.C.: Comparative and International Education Society, 2015
30 |
A B M Ahasan Raqib "Defining the training initiatives for quality teaching-learning at higher education in Bangladesh."
International Conference on Geography Education
, pp. 40. Rajshahi: University of Rajshahi: Geography and Environmental Studies & Freiburg University of Education (Germany): Institute of Geography, 2015
31 |
Sumera Ahsan "Reforms in Educational Evaluation policy of Bangladesh: Analyzing the Effects, Agents and Trends.."
Comparative and International Education Society Conference
Toronto, Canada: Comparative and International Education Society, 2014
32 |
Sumera Ahsan "Promise of a fair and just society: Reality or Myth: A critical Discourse Analysis of National Educational Evaluation Policy of Bangladesh."
Comparative and International Education Society Conference
Amherst, Massachusetts: Comparative and International Education Society, 2013
33 |
Sumera Ahsan and Mohammad Mahboob Morshed "Exploring the reasons and consequences of shadow education in Bangladesh.."
Comparative and International Education Society
Amherst, Massachusetts: Comparative and International Education, 2013
34 |
Sumera Ahsan "Classroom Assessment Culture in Secondary Schools: Assessment of Learning or Assessment for Learning."
Comparative and International Education Society Conference
New Orleans: Comparative and International Education Society, 2013
35 |
M Wahiduzzaman "International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE), 2012, 15-16 September 2012, Yogykarta State University, Indonesia."
International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE),
Yogykarta State University, Indonesia: 2012
36 |
Sumera Ahsan "Teachers’ sources of pedagogical knowledge: How much do they use the research findings?.."
National Conference on Teaching Learning at Tertiary level of education
Dhaka: Daffodil International University, Dhaka, 2012
37 |
M Wahiduzzaman "Social Issues in Tertiary Education of Bangladesh."
1st International Conference on Current Issues in Education (IICCIE) 2012.
, pp. 21-26. Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia: 2012
38 |
Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique "The proposed reform of secondary education in Bangladesh: Is science neglected or promoted."
17th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia in Melbourne
Melbourne: 2008
39 |
Sumera Ahsan "Comparative analysis of injury related content in national textbooks and CIPRB textbooks."
National Workshop on School Safety Intervention
Dhaka, Bangladesh: CIPRB, 2008
40 |
M Wahiduzzaman "Penetration of Homeless Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: Potential Threat to National Security, at Conference Hall, Ryukoku University: Research Center for World Buddist Culture (RCWC), Ryukoku University."
Penetration of Homeless Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: Potential Threat to National Security
Kyoto, Japan: 2008
41 |
Rahman., S., M., Hafizur "Presented a Paper titled “Professional Learning of Junior Secondary Science Teachers In Bangladesh”."
“Professional Learning of Junior Secondary Science Teachers In Bangladesh”
MERC conference during Winter School: 2007(July 04, 2007)
42 |
M Wahiduzzaman "Education and Development in the Commonwealth: Comparative Perspectives at the Commonwealth Research Scholars Colloquium in Nottingham, 4-6 June 2004."
Education and Development in the Commonwealth: Comparative Perspectives at the Commonwealth Research Scholars Colloquium in Nottingham
Nottingham: 2004
43 |
M Wahiduzzaman "What Counts As Evidence For What Purposes In Research In Adult Literacy, Numeracy And ESOL?‟ in the NRDC International Conference at Hilton Hotel, Nottingham, 20th – 22nd March 2003."
What Counts As Evidence For What Purposes In Research In Adult Literacy, Numeracy And ESOL?‟ in the NRDC International Conference at Hilton Hotel, Nottingham
Nottingham: 2003
44 |
M Wahiduzzman "Lifelong Learning and the Building of Human and Social Capital‟ at Nightingale Hall, the University of Nottingham, in BAICE Conference 6th – 8th September 2002."
„Lifelong Learning and the Building of Human and Social Capital‟ at Nightingale Hall, the University of Nottingham, in BAICE Conference
Nightingale Hall, the University of Nottingham: 2002
45 |
M Wahiduzzman "Translation Work and Human Resources Development at the International Centre for Education in Development, University of Warwick, the UK on 05 June 2001."
Translation Work and Human Resources Development at the International Centre for Education in Development, University of Warwick, the UK
University of Warwick, the UK: 2001
46 |
Roshid, M. M. "Commodification of English version education in Bangladesh: Does it meet the expectations of parents?."
'Rethinking Disciplinary Diversity: Challenges of Teaching English in the 21st Century'
Dhaka: Brac University, 2018
47 |
Roshid, M. M. "English version education in Bangladesh: Is it sustainably disintegrating or building nation?."
National Conference of Sustainable Development Goal
Dhaka: IER, University of Dhaka, 2018
48 |
Roshid, M. M "Business is global: Is the need of linguistic competence global?."
BELTA International Conference
Dhaka: BELTA, 2018
49 |
Roshid, M. M. "English as a lingua franca: A discourse analysis of emails in an international business."
IML Conference, University of Dhaka
Dhaka: 2017
50 |
Roshid, M. M. "Higher education and employment in global businesses: English communication skills for graduate employment."
Southeast University Conference
Dhaka: 2015
51 |
Roshid, M. M. "Interplay between language and power in business communication."
BELTA conference
Rajshahi: 2015
52 |
Roshid, M. M. "Communicating in the workplace: The need for professional skills in an international business setting."
MERC Annual Conference, Monash University
Melbourne, Australia: Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2014
53 |
Roshid, M. M. "From ELF to ELFB: Pragmatic strategies of ELF speakers in intercultural business communication."
MERC Annual Conference, Monash University, Australia
Melbourne, Australia: Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2013
54 |
Roshid, M. M. "What makes e-mail communication effective? A discourse analysis in an international business sector."
ICT for Language Learning, – Pixel, Florence, Italy
Florence, Italy: Pixel, 2012
55 |
Roshid, M. M. "Workplace learning: a way of enhancing English communication skills of RMG workforce for international business."
3rd English for Business and Technology International Conference, Brunei
Brunei Darussalam: Organized by Institut Teknologi Brunei, 2012
56 |
Roshid, M. M. "“100% cotton and 100% English”: A comparative analysis of spoken and written English communication in the international readymade garments business in Bangladesh."
MERC Annual Conference,
Melbourne, Australia: Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2012
57 |
Roshid, M. M. "“My foreign customers might think that we are uncivilized”: Intercultural competencies in Readymade Garments business communication in Bangladesh."
MERC Annual Conference
Melbourne, Australia.: Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2012
58 |
Roshid, M. M. "English for International Business: Reflection of a Corporate Setting in Bangladesh."
MERC Annual Conference
Melbourne, Australia: Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2011
59 |
Siddique, N.M., Begum, H., Roshid, M. M., Sarker, M.A., Mojumder, F.A "Doing Educational Research in Asia: Contextualizing Western Methodology in Bangladesh."
AARE conference
Hobart, Australia: AARE, 2011
60 |
Roshid, M. M. "English in corporate settings: A study of standards and expectations."
MERC Annual Conference
Melbourne, Australia.: Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2010
61 |
Roshid M. M. & Chowdhury, M. R. "Globalization and English Language: Impact on Employment of Bangladeshi University Graduates in Australian Job Market."
4th International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) Conference
Valencia, Spain: IATED, 2010
62 |
S M Hafizur Rahman, Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique, Syeda Tahmina Akhter, Mohammod Moninoor Roshid, Foez Ahmed Mojumder "Higher education: current issues and challenges."
Global Education Systems Day
Melbourne, Australia: Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2010